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We've not yet Succeeded

Today I've begun my second week of internship but things seem progress much slower than I expected, which makes me a little bit frustrated.

Recently, Cabrini is hosting a Golf Benefit to raise its fund for next month as well as to provide a chance for people from different areas learn about our organization's aim. As it is the first big fund-raising event during my internship, I really want to do as much as I can to help the event run smoothly. On the second day of our work, Dan recommended Jenny and I to create our capacity and connection map in order to give ourselves and other staff a clear idea in which area we can contribute to. However, as college students, we have so little beneficial connections, needless to say most of them are not in Chicago. I emailed to my golf coach at school who lived in the States for over 30 years but he replied me with a pity saying he has no friend who lives in town. I emailed to all of the group members who also intern in Chicago this summer ask if they could pass our message to their supervisors, but no positive reply has been received yet.

A quote of lyric came to my mind " We've not yet succeeded. We've done what we can but no one has answered to our call(我们仍然未得胜,能做已做,无人响应)". Then, I began to think of a video on youtube Dan shared few days ago talking about whether it is possible that we build effective networks through internet. It agrees for no doubt that people can reach each other much more easier than ever before, but this also leaves a problem that the interpersonal relationships may not be as strong. The convenience of internet makes people overwhelmed in communication. In that case, some people choose to self-handicap, looking without seeing, hearing without listening. See how easy it is to share ideas on blogs, but there are still millions of blogs leaving semi-anonymous on the internet.

Nevertheless, this does NOT mean I should give up so quickly. Building effective connections via internet is the trend. It is only the way how we use it really matters. And I think this is also what I need to figure out in the past few weeks, say how to find effective connections and link them to CC T/MC. We've not yet succeeded, but eventually we will. In the same song I've quote before, there is also a sentence following illustrating my faith now.

"Since virtual things is sure win, even if it is hard, we also will try. (既然仁慈是必胜,难亦要念,难念的经)"
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Let's Get Started

I'd never imagined such experience: flying 13 hours oversea and spending most of my summer time intern in a totally new country for a non-profit organization. But now I'm here, in Chicago, the windy city, working with a group of enthusiastic members in Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection.

Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection is a non-profit organization in Chicago. Found in 1993, it aims to help kids from under privileged families to grow. If a student come to CC T/MC, he or she can not only get tutorials about their school study, but receive instructions about lives by volunteer mentors as well. It is a organization to build up connections through its volunteers' networks for the disadvantaged children and youth, in order to provide them as much chances as other young people.

When I first knew I have the working opportunity three months ago, I was both exited and nervous. China born and China bred, it is a precious chance for me to work on the other side of the world which I could only learn from books and media in the old days. On the other hand, I was also confusing how can I, as a foreigner, contribute to the organization. Majoring in International Journalism, I'm assigned to write stories about Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection on the internet to attract more people to pay attention to this program and even participate in. However, I was a little bit afraid that I could not do the writing as good as a native. Fortunately, our talk to Mr. Dan Bassill, the CEO of this volunteer-based tutor/mentor program, gave me confidence and directions where I can try to work on in the next two months.

Thanks to the worldwide internet, everyone and another has the opportunity to make their voice heard. Other than traditional media like TV, radio, newspaper and magazines, even normal people like you and me can do communication works via internet. And the most wonderful thing is, because of the internet, people with the same interest or concern can easily find each other, build their campaign, and fight for their shared goals together.

I think this is what I can do as a individual for CC T/MC. Everyday, there are tens of millions pieces of information being posted on the internet. It is so easy to have our message drawn in the information ocean. Nevertheless, the more we provide, the more chances they could be seen by others. Maybe at first, it is just my friends reading my words, but if it's interesting enough and they would share it to their friends. We should never look down on individuals' connection network. Some social study shows that the maximum number between 2 random people in the world is only SEVEN! Think about it, and that also is why Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection focus so much on connections. Connections are truly powerful!

Now, I've began my second day's work. I really have learnt something from CC T/MC, and I hope I can help others to learn it with the power of my words and individual connections.

See graphic showing Willow's network and skills
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first day

It's the first day of my intern; I'm going to stay here for almost two months. To be honest, I don't know what the company does before I came here. After Dan's introduction and Michael's video, an intern who has
worked here several years ago, I think I got the main point of this company.
That’s help youth in disadvantaged environment build up their aim and goal of
their life and help them to reach it with our connections in the world. I'm really happy that I'm going to be apart of this company. It means I'm going
to do something meaningful while some people at my age are wasting time and money
doing something useless.

There are many problems in our world and society. Each of them is an emergency;
however, individuals always think their strength is so weak when facing so many
problems, which is an excuse for doing nothing. But there are some people
making an effort. They know few individuals’ strength is weak, but a group of
people is strong enough to change something, I don’t wanna say they can change
the world, but it can change something, make some differences.

In this organization, we help people with our connections, which are the most important element in our life. We share it and benefit from it. I’m glad that my here and be a part of them. thanks for reading.

See graphics of Jenny's introduction - here and here

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T/MC Journal

I am going to start blogging here with some of my reflective thoughts as I browse the Tutor/Mentor Connection and Cabrini Connections web sites and online resources. As I near the end of my first year on staff here, and I prepare to welcome a new Northwestern University Public Interest Program Fellow (Karina Walker), I really want to think critically about strategies in this field, both on the micro and macro level. I look forward to engaging with members of this Ning group as I work through this process. Thank you for reading!
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It is a joy to see some of our 4-year mentors transition from college to graduate and start their careers. I know that the fact they personally experienced mentoring youth one-on-one will stay with them in the work place. I hope they will advocate for mentoring among more young professionals.

--enjoying a vacation with my calif family, graduating from high schools north and south,

sue sende cole 6-16-10

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Below is a map showing the mix of organizations who were part of the May Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference in Chicago.

On this map we see there were many tutor/mentor programs, some from other states, but not nearly as many programs as there are in Chicago. We see a few universities, represented. We see one donor. We see some media. This mix needs to change, to include more donors, more universities, and workforce development leaders, if we're to do more to help volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs grow.

What we need are more facilitators, helping us connect these groups, and others, in on-going discussions that take place between each conference, so that when we come together, we are all more connected to each other, not just to the T/MC.

One participant at the conference was Charles Cameron, of Social Edge. I encourage you to read the handout he presented at the conference. Then go to this discussion, and see how he's following up to expand the network building to include people who are meeting with him on the Social Edge discussion forums.

Another participant was Katie Anderson, a student from Dominican University who is volunteering with the T/MC. The map I show on this blog was created using power point. In this forum you can see how Katie and another Dominican student are using inFlow softwared donated by Valdis Krebs to create more sophisticated maps, and a better understanding of the networks that are being formed as a result of the work of the Tutor/Mentor Connection, the Conference, and people like Charles and Katie who take active volunteer roles to help.

We need more help in almost every part of what the Tutor/Mentor Connection is doing. If we can get more help we can create a better understanding of the networks we are connecting with, and share that in ways that other people can use the network to build their own networks, supporting their own organizations and missions.

Below is a worksheet that anyone can use to identify people in their own network who might help the Tutor/Mentor Connection, if they knew we existed, and if the introduction came from someone they trust. However, this is also a chart you can use to build a network of support for your own organization. Try it out, and let us know what success you have.

As a result of this network building we want to increase the number of people who don't live in poverty who are investing their own time, talent and money on a regular basis to help tutor/mentor programs in one or more communities, do more to help youth grow up to fulfill more of their adult potential.

Invite others to join this Ning group, or join the discussions on Social Edge, or post notices of other places where this type of network building is taking place. As Charles says, we can meet in many spaces, not just in our own hosted space.

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This photo is one of many taken on Thursday and Friday, at the Tutor/Mentor Conference held at Loyola University in Chicago.

One of the speakers was Charles Cameron, who I first met on Social Edge many years ago. Below you can upload the handout Charles prepared. I hope you'll all read it. It shows how we can connect through the Internet, build strong relationships, then connect face to face. This is all part of a journey that each of us takes separately, but which enables each of us to mobilize support for projects that we are leading, or involved with.

There are several others in this Ning community who also were speakers at the conference. I encourage you all to post comments on your profiles. I'll upload some of the other presentations in the coming week.

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My Dreams are my Reality

Today, I read Dan's blog post. So I can understand T/M connection & Cabrini Connections activities. I think these activities are very effective to other people. If we try to change everything at once, then it is so hard and it is easy to give up. but Cabrini Connection do these activities constantly. I believe that if every people understand these programs and they understand our object, It can be more effective programs:)
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Nice to meet you!!

Hello nice to meet everyone !!

my name is Jiwon and nickname is Chuck.

Please, Call me Chuck.. and i want making friends anyone,

so I always welcome to visit my page

and to recommend@@;;

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Hi I'm justin.

Hi everybody!

My name is Minsang Lee and english name is Justin.
I'm from South Korea. I'm in Konkuk Univ in Korea and my major is Computer Engineering.
I arrived in Chicago about 6 month ago. I was studying at IIT during spring semester.
This experience is very impressive to me because I made a lot of memories and experienced many things.
Now I'm ready to work as intern at Cabrini Connections. I believe this new experience will be beneficial to me too:)

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I encourage bloggers who are writing for the T/MC to read the 2009 president's essay and others that are posted on this Foundation page.

We need to encourage people to connect on-line and at face to face events such as the Tutor/Mentor Conference, to discuss the ideas raised in these reports and other research.

We need to focus attention on

a) strategies that make constantly-improving youth-serving programs available in every high poverty zip code

b) strategies that provide operating resources and leadership support, so people stay involved for decades, not one or two years

c) strategies that help kids move from first grade to first job, with the support of the community around them, which includes schools, businesses, non profits, faith groups, etc.

d) strategies that weave all of this information into life-long learning, starting when kids are young, so it becomes a habit to visit sites like this and learn what's making life so difficult for so many in the world

e) strategies that turn people into actors rather than spectators. At the end of each day, look in the mirror and say how did I use my gifts, my time and my talent to help one or more places where youth are being giving more help to reach their full potential. How do we ingrain this into the daily habit of millions of people?

If you write about these ideas, and other people read and write about them, we are like a pebble that is thrown into a lake which becomes a boulder thrown into the ocean. We create ripples and waves that represent a growing number of people reading and responding to what we write.

Do this to help shape the world you want to have in the future and to enlist others to help you.

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Update on volunteering

Yesterday I had some free time so I went into the center to make some more calls to Chicago tutor/mentor organizations. I invited them to the conference later this month and was pleased to see that a lot of them were already aware and considering attending already. It's been great to talk to like-minded people who are passionate about helping children, and the the feedback I've been getting from the organizations has been equally as wonderful. They are all very appreciative of the invitation and always receptive to the aim of the conference. I'm very excited to be attending it later this month.
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Final Paper!

Part I – Learning Question

In December of 2009 I started my internship at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection, a non-profit organization which helps the well-being of students living in low-income housing. My purpose at this organization was to help promote Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection through different social media venues. At the beginning of this internship I came up with a question that through the duration of this internship I have been seeking an answer for. The question, how to unleash one's personal power to change the world through social media, has been discovered through research and an interview with Dan Bassill, the founder and CEO of CC/TMC.

It is interesting to note that many companies like CNN focus on the effectiveness of a story whereas other companies started to focus their time and energy on something else. We the people hold the key. And Google made a smart bet and they bet on the people, which is what other organizations should have done. “During the attacks in Mumbai, people were tweeting it live, from the lobby of the hotel” (Social Good through Social Media). The news was being delivered, in real time, by the people. This represents the most seismic shift in the history of media and possibly business. There are no more gatekeepers. Social media gives people like you and me the power to let our voices shine, how incredible is that.

Organizations like Cabrini Connections were built by innovative visionaries like those who work at Google who can in vision something being taken to the next step, Dan Bassill states, “I view it as a passion for building a better system for helping kids from poverty have lives out of poverty. Such a goal provides a better world for my own children and grandchildren to grow up in. If we don’t do all we can now to shape the future, the future that comes may be impossible to change.” Through many non-profit organizations I have come to find that they all acknowledge that change needs to start now for a better future. But how are these messages being heard? The social media realm is being used as a powerful agent that is connecting people all over the world together. Social media is quickly becoming the “it” place to advertise and promote companies/organizations as it is cost-effective (it is free!), easy to access, and can target multiple age groups at a time.

Social media is arguably the most perfect and pervasive form of marketing in human history. It is a convergence of the best of both worlds: connecting “one-to-one” via “many-to-many. It has become apparent however that some organizations blatantly avoid using social media as a promotional tool due to the lack of knowledge of it as a whole. These companies either don’t understand it because the technology is so new or they don’t think it is worthwhile. You could say that is comparable to walking away from a loaded gold mine, because you can’t open the front door, it’s pathetic and lazy. What are these organizations waiting for? It is clear that since these organizations are not engaging with their current customers and reaching new markets through social media, their brand is being left behind at an increasingly accelerative rate (Social Good through Social Media). The organizations who deliberately avoid social media will soon come to find that social media sites are imperative to the success of a company as information can be spread at higher rates through these sites.

Organizations such as Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection do not have the funding to promote through other forms of media like commercials, billboards, etc. To be able to spread their message they focus heavily on promoting through word of mouth, their websites, and social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and various blogs. They also try to enlist others to carry out Cabrini’s message in their media, for example “for many years the Lend A Hand Program at the Chicago Bar Association promoted Tutor/Mentor Connection as part of their own commitment to help tutor/mentor programs grow. If you visit at and go to the leadership articles you will see many examples of how Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection hopes how others will communicate their message. By getting others to spread the word about Cabrini Connections time, effort, and money are being saved by the staff to ensure that the majority if not all of the funds being raised are being allocated to benefit the students.

Anyone and everyone have the ability and power to change the world. One just needs to know how to focus their gifts and talents in a way that can grab the attention of others. Eric Harr, Founder and President of LLC said it best, “Social media is social, but it’s not a media. The recipe for success — and most brands miss the mark here — is one part listening, one part engaging, and two parts building relationships. (A dash of spice always helps!)” The Internet has become an extraordinary tool. It enables individuals to share their ideas with the world. It allows other people to find us, who already share the same goals. It enables us to find talent and resources from far beyond our own family, community, city boundaries. If your ideas are good enough, expressed well enough, and communicated often enough to a growing number of people, they can change the way other people understand and respond to the issues you are passionate about.
Part II – Individual Assessment


Since my internship was based primarily on my writing skills and promotional skills classes that required intensive writing, advertising and Public Relations helped. Classes in particular like UCWR 110, CMUN 265, CMUN 250, CMUN 224, MARK 361 and CMUN 271 not only gave me the skills to write more effectively but taught me how to send out my message into different avenues to get the maximum viewing potential. These classes gave me the skills to be able to write in a way that helped Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection get in the spotlight, allowing them in the future to be able to receive more donations. Classes such as 271 taught me how to create a blog, which became beneficial to me since I blogged about the organization throughout my entire internship. These classes taught me how to capitalize on relationships and brand myself as efficiently and professionally as possible. By branding myself into the person I want people to see me as I noticed I could better sell the organization, Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection. The skills I learned especially in these six classes gave me the essentials I needed for this internship.

Knowledge and Skills

I believe that everything I learned in this internship was beneficial. I do however know that the most important thing I learned through the duration of this internship was how important it is to write an effective blog. In the beginning of my internship I wrote blogs that were average and not interesting to read as a result no one was reading them. I was writing for Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection in hopes that people would latch on to them and want to help out with the cause but it seemed hopeless, I would check the analytics of my blog and I noticed that they were not being viewed. After analyzing my blogs and realizing that they were not as engaging as I’d hope they would be I decided to change my writing style. Instead of just writing about the organization itself I started to incorporate day to day events that were happening and correlated them back to Cabrini Connections. Once I started to write more engaging, thought-provoking articles my traffic for my blogs went up, almost doubled what it was in the beginning. It was exactly what I needed to do to start making a difference at Cabrini Connections. Ultimately, I did what I was set out to do at Cabrini Connections, make the organization more well-known by spreading the word through social media networks.

Another valuable thing that I learned while interning at Cabrini Connections was the struggles it takes to help start a non-profit organization. It is more in-depth and time consuming that I thought it would be. What I found to be spectacular is that the organization did not start with a business plan or any kind of dedicated funding; instead, Dan Bassill saw a need and found people who felt compelled to make a difference in the world to help him start up his vision. From there people just jumped in, doing what needed to be done each day, every day since then. His story and the story of Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection is truly an inspirational one that makes me feel compelled and optimistic that if I follow my dreams they will become true. Also, as a result of this organization I want to do more things that I believe will be beneficial towards others.


Though my ideal future career is not with a non-profit organization I still learned an immense amount of information through the duration of my internship here at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection. During the 14 week period I was at Cabrini Connections I learned extensively about social media tactics, how to write an effective blog, and how to spread a message through multiple venues at any given time. I want to eventually become an event planner and that means not only will I have to be extremely organized but that I’ll have to be good at spreading the knowledge of the event and being able to promote it in a way that seems appealing to my target audiences. The success of an event rides a lot on the effectiveness of how the event was promoted. This is why I am grateful to all who work at Cabrini Connections who have given me the knowledge of how to effectively promote an event and to spread the word of a wonderful organization like Cabrini Connections. I now know, as a result of interning at Cabrini Connections that I will be fully prepared to handle whatever lies ahead in the rest of my career here at Loyola and in my future career in event planning.

What I found to be most beneficial to me during my internship was that I was taught how to successfully promote. I have found which social media networks are most effective in getting a higher volume of audience participation while also figuring out how to write in a manner that gets peoples’ attention. Social media is a new field in the market place today so knowing how to use the tactics appropriately is imperative and will be necessary for me in my career later on. As a result of its newness, many who have been in the Public Relations field for several years do not know how to effectively promote on these sites. Thankfully, people such as Dan Bassill and other Cabrini Connections staff knew how use social media successfully so that I was able to learn the trade and be able to fully promote my companies events in the future. I will be successful in my future job as a result of the tactics and procedures I have learned during this internship.


Being a full time student and having what I would consider a part time job is not a simple task, as a result, I would say my overall performance would be excellent. Though in the beginning I did not write blogs that were intriguing to the public’s eye I quickly made a change in my writing style to fix that. I quickly obtained a full knowledge and awareness of what was going on within Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection and used their mission statement (engage workplace adults in structured activities that make a life-changing difference for youth living in economically and educationally disadvantaged neighborhoods) as a basis for all of my blogs. Working at Cabrini Connections was such a pleasant experience and I truly enjoyed coming into work every day because though I didn’t work with anyone when I saw other employees they were always happy.

Throughout the 14 week duration everyone at Cabrini Connections became like family, just like with my own family, if I knew I was going to be late I would contact Dan Bassill, the CEO and founder of the organization to let him know. I also tried to please my Cabrini Connections family by setting goals and expectations for myself that could make a difference within the organization. At the end of my 14 week term I not only helped fundraise for the organization but I also got people to help volunteer their time to help the students of Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection. I fully enjoyed interning at Cabrini Connections and I plan on continuing to write blogs for them in the future.


"Social Good through Social Media." Eric Harr Social Media. Web. 17 Mar. 2010. <>;.

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After interning at Cabrini Connections for a little over 14 weeks I have learned several things. I would like to share my knowledge with you so that you can start off with knowledge that I wish I had begun with.

So, how do you make the most of your internship? Well with the help of some online sites and my own experience in interning at Cabrini Connections I have come up with 9 points you should follow.

1. Set Personal Goals: Interning at Cabrini Connections is different than other internships. You have more leeway and as a result it is easy to veer off course. Is is imperative that in the beginning of your internship you set some goals you would like to accomplish. For instance, one of my goals was to reach atleast 60 hits on my blog. Doing things like this helped me stay on track and gave me something to look forward to in the internship. At the end of the day whatever your goals, you will feel a greater sense of accomplishment once you achieve them.

2. Have Regular Meetings with your Supervisor: As you will soon come to find Dan Bassill is a wonderful man who has a lifetime of knowledge. Not meeting with him would be a shame as he can greatly increase your knowledge of your field of interest. From Dan I have learned an extensive amount about Public Relations, Social Media, and how to effectively spread a message through social media.

3. Undertake all tasks with Enthusiasm and a Positive Attitude: Everything you do might not be super exciting but make sure you tackle each task with a positive outlook. You are at this internship to learn something and to help out Cabrini Connections. So, make the most of this internship and work as hard as you can. In the end it will all pay off.

4. Avoid Negativity: Everyone at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection are nice. These people end up becoming family, everyone gets along and it is a great work atmosphere. So please, don't ruin your experience by being rude. The quickest way to kill a good internship is being negative. So, avoid complaining, being rude, disrespecting coworkers, arriving late, leaving early, being closed-minded, missing deadlines, appearing arrogant, wearing improper attire (the dress is casual, but that doesn't mean you can dress like a slob), acting unprofessionally, appearing inflexible, and taking part in office politics.

5. Never Shun a Chance to Learn More About the Company/Industry: Take every opportunity presented to you to attend company or industry meetings, conferences, and events; participate in training workshops; and read all company materials. For instance, take the time to read through past blogs written by interns and other CC,T/MC staff, go to the biannual conference CC,T/MC hosts. By partaking in all of these things your knowledge of the trade will increase and benefit you grately in the long haul.

6. Get as Much Exposure as Possible: CC, T/MC may not be big but it would be worth your while to get to know all of your co-workers. Everyone at CC, T/MC has an interesting story and a different take on the organization and what needs to be done in the organization. The more you talk to others in the organization the more you'll be exposed to new ideas. Learning is key in an internship, so by talking to others in the organization the more you'll be enlightened.

7. Don't be Afraid to Ask Questions: Like I said earlier your internship is a learning experience. While Dan will expect to get a certain level of work from you, you are not expected to know everything. Seek advice and raise questions whenever you encounter something that is not familiar to you. Be open-minded about new ideas and procedures -- remember that you don't know everything and that your professors didn't teach you everything. (Note: the first week or so will be where you will learn how to use NING, where you will get your own NING page, and where you will learn exactly what you will be doing at your internship. Don't hesitate to ask questions about anything!)

8. Take Initiative: Learn how to "think outside the box." A key part in this internship is to get CC, T/MC more exposure. Figure out distinctive ways in how to receive more exposure. Be creative, be unique, and further more figure out ways in how to inspire others to get involved in the organization.

9. Enjoy yourself: Interning at CC, T/MC was a great experience, so make sure you have some fun while you're learning and working.

I hope you have a great time interning at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connections. If you have any questions about the internship or about what I did during my internship please feel free to message me on NING.

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Final Two-Week Report!!

Fourteen-weeks ago I started my internship at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connections. Cabrini Connections is a non-profit organization designed to enrich and further develop the lives of the students who live in low-income neighborhoods such as Cabrini Green. They do this by providing tutor/mentor programs for these students after hours, which not only provides alternate learning opportunities but keeps these students out of trouble. At my internship my job is to promote the organization further through social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, volunteer forums, etc. Through this I will help expand others' knowledge of Cabrini Connections, get people to either donate or volunteer at Cabrini, as well as increase my own knowledge of certain social media outlets.

These two-weeks in particular I wrote a blog of advice to the incoming interns, encouraging them to follow my path and to explain to them all that i've learned throughout the entirety of this internship. These past weeks I have added the final touches to my final paper, making sure that it flows well and that I have fully answered my learning question, which was: how to unlease one's personal power to change hte world through social media. These past two-weeks I have accomplished a lot and though I am sad the internship is over, I plan on keeping in touch with the organization as I believe in their cause.

Through this internship I have realized that I truly enjoy working with social media networks. I have come to find that the social media realm is my nitch in the Public Relations profession. However, though I enjoy working with social media I want to go into the event planning field as I believe that I will enjoy that field more. I am a creative person and event planning will enable me to show off my creativity. I feel blessed that I was able to intern at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor connection as it developed my knowledge of social media as a whole. Without this internship I would not have been able to expand my knowledge of Twitter, blogs, and other various social media networks.

As I said earlier Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection has enlightened me on the world of social media. Through this internship I have learned about the vastness of social media and how to effectively use a variety of them. I have been taught how to use tools such as Google analytics to track my blog site visits which has shown to be extremely beneficial. As a result of being able to track my results I have been able to see how effective my writing has become and to see the numbers in my blog site almost double since I first began interning. Working at CC, T/MC has been a huge honor and a blessing as I have learned extensively about certain tactics that will be beneficial to me in my future career.

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My experience back at Cabrini Connections

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to update everyone on what I've been doing this past week while helping out at Cabrini Connections. I spent a month volunteering at the center back in December '07 and January '08, while home for winter break from the University of Missouri. Since then, I've graduated from college and spent 17 months abroad, where the majority of that was spent teaching English in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I had a wonderful experience and really enjoyed working with the children on a daily basis.

I just came back to America within the past couple of weeks and have been able to stop into the tutoring center a couple of times to lend a hand with the planning of the Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference. I've personally called and spoken to over 40 different tutoring and mentoring programs throughout the Chicago land area and invited them to participate in the conference either as observers, or as someone hosting their own workshop. I was pleasantly surprised with the openness and intrigue that everyone I've spoken to has shown towards me while I informed them of the conference. The majority of people I've spoken to were not previously aware of the conference, so I can certainly see the importance of contacting them first-hand and informing them of the conference and the benefits that it will bring. I think it's really important to get as many like-minded people and organizations as possible to participate in such a great cause, and to share their ideas about the importance of tutoring and mentoring in regards to youth development. I truly hope that the majority of people I've spoken to will be there in May, and I look forward to meeting and networking with everyone in attendance.
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