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Seond Project Draft




Second project flash is consists of three parts. First part shows ten innovation slices.

Second part explain detail inforamtion related to previous slice. So, If you click each slice in first page, it will be connected to second page associated with each slice. In addition, you can see detail information about that.

Moreover, what if you click each slick in second page?? It will be liked to websites related to detail information in second page.Otherwise, you are able to click center circle to go back to first page.


This is a basic concept of second project. I'm gonna add detail contents and alter background or color.


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Thanks for Mentoring Experiences

I posted a message on Facebook telling how I'd been involved for 37 years and how my life has been enriched as a result. One of our former students posted this response:

No, THANK YOU for caring when no one else would, you started a movement and I have watched it blossom into something I couldnt imagine back at St. Matthews Church, you and your family have sacrificed so much time, and Im proof that just one person can make such a huge impact on someone's life. Love ya Dan...Im getting the itch to start my own :)

Hearing from alumni like this just reinforces my point on how I've been blessed by making a consistent effort to help others.


We need leaders and investors who will think of the Tipping Points that would enable more programs Cabrini Connections and long-term leaders like me to be involved in more places. If members of this group and our network share these ideas in their own networks on a regular basis, we can find those people and motivate them to join us.

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A New Understanding

This is the middle of my third week here at the Tutor/Mentor Connection, and the learning curve I'm experiencing is feeling like it's beginning to smooth out some, and with some light at the end of this tunnel, I feel as though I'm approaching a new understanding of what not only this site is trying to accomplish, but of how they aim to do it, and of how they aim to prove that they are doing it.  Meeting fellow staff here has been a great help to me in this regard, and many thanks to Matt and Karina for having discussions with me about the program thusfar.  Most of my last week here has been much the same in terms of reading through the large collection of articles that Dan has amassed on the website, feeling oftentimes as though I am auditing a new class.  I am grateful for this wealth of knowledge though, as the more I can get an understanding of all of the aspects of this organization, the better I can convey it's ideas and it's mission to those around me, as it truly is an innovative project. 


Today started off with a meeting between my co-workers, Dan, and Nicole Huser from the Adler School.  I appreciated her stopping in, as it's nice to know that I am still being supported by the school and that their resources can become my resources for assistance if necessary.  After the meeting, I was left with a new motivation to find my niche in how I can help the Tutor/Mentor Connection by doing more than passing along it's ideals to those around me.  I began looking into the Social Network Analysis articles on the website, as well as the models that have been done in the past.  I was also introduced to the collection of previously filled out grant proposals, and am considering that as another side project I can work on.  During my three hour commute (yes, 3 hour), I was contemplating my last blog post, and was attempting to rationalize how a social psychological model framework could be tweaked to fit into a social problem, such as education.  If one could replace the Individual as the center of the model with the societal problem (such as education), making the microsystems at work around it the different influences that influence a child's ability to learn effectively (or the different organizations working independently to solve the problem), and then T/MC as the surrounding bubble that addresses the interactions between those I said, I was just brainstorming this idea as an interesting way to convey what T/MC's mission is in a psychological model framework.

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Revised Edition - Pyramid Animation.


I have modified pyramid concepts. Firstly, I have changed to stairs concept which is piled up gradually. Below is the main page from the presentation (graphic added by DanB).12637704064?profile=original

First page is main page which shows title of this presentation.

Second page shows producer and link to original file.

From third page, the stairs which contain detail information or purpose of each step is piled up.

The important thing is that viewer can move to each step by clicking buttons. The lowest button is able to transfer to main

page if you click. So, people can read information exactly and randomly through this function.

If you want to change something, please let me know about that. The weather is colder and colder. Take care!!!


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A few months ago I read this Civic Enterprises report, titled  Untapped Potential: Filling the Promise of Big Brothers Big Sisters and the Bigs and Littles they Represent.  If you're a current or former BIG, or have experienced the feelings outlined in this report from your involvement in a different mentoring program, I encourage you to read this report (PDF), and add your talent to our efforts.</p>

According to this report, "Youth who are part of the mentoring provided by Big Brothers, Big Sisters do benefit in a variety of ways, but many face "challenges of ruptured families and unsafe neighborhoods, bad influences from adults and peers in their lives, and schools marked by low expectations and insufficient student supports". These challenges are greater obstacles to successful youth development and movement to college and jobs than what a single mentor alone is able to overcome."

Many of the BIGs feel that their experience has motivated them to do more to mitigate these challenges. This report summarizes those feelings and suggests strategies that Biggs could take.  Many of our volunteers at Cabrini Connections experience the same feelings. I'm sure this is true in many other programs, too.

<b>As your read this, I encourage you to read the collaboration strategies on the site.</b> If you're one of those
BIGs who wants to do more to help these kids, join with us in events aimed at building greater public awareness, better understanding of tutoring/mentoring strategies, and a greater flow of operating dollars and volunteers to all of the neighborhoods, and programs, where kids and volunteers can connect.

Here are some highlights of focus group discussions with more than 557 adult volunteers (Bigs) and 400 youth (Littles) :

Overall the "Big" experience profoundly changes the volunteer's perspectives on the lives of at-risk youth. More than four out of five
BIGs (84%) said their experience has changed the way they look at
the challenges that at-risk youth face a great deal, or a fair amount.

Over half of the
BIGss surveyed (56%) said they worry that their Littles are not getting the education they will need to support themselves as adults.

More than one out of three (37%) of
BIGs said that not having enough to do after school was a barrier to their Littles' future success.

Seven out of 10
BIGs said that kids having more access to positive role models like coaches and teachers (73 percent) and role models like BIGs (69%) would improve childrens' chances for success a lot.

Four out of five
BIGs *82%) said their experience as a BIG leaves them feeling like they wish they could do more to h elp their Littles and children like them.

Seven of 10
BIGs (69%) said that they would definitely or consider helping encourage more adults to help disadvantaged children in some way

Four out of five *82%) believe that
BIGs working together can make a very significant or significant impact.

BIG said, "Why go to the government.? This country isn't designed for that. It's about all of us volunteering and making it a better place."

More than 78% said that encouraging other individuals to become more involved in directly helping children was more important than working to change public policy.

<b>there were more than 245,000 active mentors involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters in 2009. </b> Think of how many have been involved over the past 30 years!

Imagine if just a small portion of these volunteers took on some of the leadership and organizing roles suggested in this report, or suggested in the Leadership and Collaboration strategies suggested by the Tutor/Mentor Connection.

It does not matter what city you live in. You can connect with each other, and with us, on this forum, or on forums you create. Let's put the potential of this report into action. Let's start now.

Visit and support the Chicago volunteer recruitment efforts of the Tutor/Mentor Connection. Visit and take a lead at bringing Bigs and BBBS programs from all over the Midwest to the May or November Tutor/Mentor Conferences held in Chicago.

Visit http;// and see how you can map locations of tutor/mentor programs in Chicago, or your own community, and use the maps as part of an outreach campaign intended to help more volunteers connect with kids in well-organized programs in Chicago and
throughout the country.

<b>Finaly, read the leadership ideas on the and enlist your business, college, faith group, professional group and/or hospital network as leaders and resource providers to this mobilization.</b>


Together mentors from many mentoring programs can do more to help inner-city kids have the support network they need to overcome the challenges of poverty. Let's connect in 2011 for the benefit of these kids.

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another plan 2


12637703284?profile=original****  This is the first idea of my thiking. I have more idea. so, the first idea is like this by using tab.

       I'm going to make other idea next week. So, could you advise and comment for me?

       I consistently find a way to help people can understand better.     


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another plan


How about this?

I'd like to make like this by showing diverse pictures. It illustrates the appearance of T/MC, and shows the important role of T/MC. It can keep working not only our previous project but another project. It just idea that I popped up, today. 


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      Good morning. First of all, let me apologize for not making ant posts the past few weeks. I've been under the weather during the holidays. BUT NOW I'M BACK! I was watching the news Monday night, and I saw a story about the last family to move out of the Cabrini-Green housing projects. Most people in Chicago now think that all former tenants of Cabrini-Green have been placed in sufficient housing, away from the immediate area. This is not entirely true. Although the vast majority of former tenants were given vouchers to move into sufficient housing, most are still right here in the Cabrini-Green area where they were born and raised. And contrary to popular belief, they're still living near or at the poverty level. Some have gotten jobs, but they're only minimum wage or slightly higher. The others are still surviving on the checks they receive from Social Security or Public Aid. 

      Which is why I'm writing this article. If the statements I've made in the last paragraph were not true, Cabrini-Connection would not be needed in this area any more. There are still plenty of kids that continue to come here seeking tutoring support and mentoring. And that's why we still need your continued support. We need volunteers, computers, school supplies, tables, chairs, and most importantly your financial support. Money helps us to do special things for the kids, and it keeps the heat and the lights on.

      In the upcoming months we will be having fund raising events, but support is always needed. In addition to serving the people of this area, we assist agencies and other organizations throughout the city and suburbs. So please assist us in any way that you can. Thanks. For more information, please read Dan Bassil's article on Cabrini-Green.

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12637698264?profile=originalI saw a TV report last night saying "Cabrini Green Gone".  


Someone should tell that to the 35 -40 7th to 12th grade teens at Cabrini Connections who live in the Cabrini Green area, either in the Row Houses or the redeveloped property.  I wrote a blog articleabout this last fall, showing that about 400 families still live in the Row House area and that 1200 families are promised homes in the redeveloped area by 2014.


If people don't believe there is a need for programs like Cabrini Connections in the area, they won't be volunteers or provide operating dollars, and we will no longer be there to serve what will be a growing number of youth who still would benefit from tutoring/mentoring and expanded non-school learning.


The map above is from the Tutor/Mentor Program Locator's Interactive map. We can zoom into different parts of the city and build an  understanding of what tutor/mentor programs exist, or where more are needed. We can also see assets like faith groups, banks, colleges and hospitals who could be helping these programs grow. 

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First Week and Introduction

As the title of this post indicates, this is my first week with T/MC, and as such, I will begin my blog posts with an introduction to who I am as well as the networks that I am currently involved with.  For starters, I am an intern from the Adler School of Professional Psychology where I am a first year student in the Marriage and Family Therapy program.  This program emphasizes a systematic way of thinking, and to identify problems not just individually, but to be able to look at them on a larger scale, as there are typically many different individuals that are involved with any problem.  After doing some research into the OHATS program, I find that the thinking behind it is much the same as a systemic way of problem solving, in the sense that instead of focusing on the problem using many, individual groups, OHATS is attempting to create a mesosystem that encompasses these groups and unify them to solve a common societal issue.  I had never realized that my coursework would so closely mirror the ideology of T/MC.

With that revelation being stated, I will continue on with my introduction.

I completed my undergraduate work in Psychology and Biology at the University of Illinois in Urbana/Champaign in 2004.  I became a member of the Kappa Sigma fraternity while attending the university, and still associate with that organization to this day.  While attending the university, I worked for the America Reads/America Counts program, tutoring children with learning disabilities in a local elementary school, which ultimately inspired my interest in working with T/MC Cabrini Connections.  I currently live in the Rockford, IL area, where I have been involved through my previous employment via DCFS with the school systems there. I was a case manager for specialized foster children, and worked closely with a foster parent alliance group that met weekly to discussthe needs of the foster children in the area.  At that time I had wondered if other foster care programs in the area had similar foster parent groups, and if so, what were they discussing?  Yet another instance where a more systemic way of addressing the problems they faced could have been useful, as I'm sure they were not unique to this particular group of foster parents.  Many of these problems did focus around the education of the foster children, as they were typically falling through the cracks with few people to advocate for them, and few resources to utilize.

These past experiences have gotten me excited to work for a program such as this one, and hopefully I will be able to contribute and to spread the word to others about this program.

Below is my network map of resources, but it is the first one I have ever made, so I am sure that are details that I have overlooked and links that I have missed.


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As we enter 2011 the economy is still a mess and the competition for resources to fund non profits continues to grow. Thus, we need to be more creative, think smarter, and keep learning from the wisdom of others.

This article is one that I encourage you all to read. It talks about how your Twitter, email, or Facebook post can generate more response if it can connect emotionally with the reader.

I'm not smart enough to figure out all the different ways to make our messages appeal in this way to all of the various people we're trying to reach, but the collective talent of the people who are members of this Ning group, and the people they know, could innovate messages and delivery systems that over the course of a year might dramatically increase the number of people who visit this site, then become a volunteer or donor at one of the organizations represented by members.

Thanks the goal. We all win with each victory that one of use is able to achieve.12637697083?profile=original

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