education (6)



What happens after the war - a short story about children suffering in Liberia, West Africa and coming together as a 'human' race to eradicate poverty.



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In every high poverty neighborhood there are one or two anchor institutions, like a hospital, university, bank, etc. that could provide leadership and strategic support to strategies that support the growth of youth mentoring programs.

If those same institutions also focus on community wealth building then they may be more likely to build the types of leadership support needed to take a long term approach to youth mentoring program growth. 

This graphic is included in this blog post that I wrote today on this topic. I encourage you all to review t his and use the ideas in reaching out to anchor institutions in your own communities.

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Need for Outside Assistance

The other night I came across a link to this article from the Opinion Page of the New York Times.  In the article, Dave Eggers compares the way policies address the educational system and the way in which we address the military, with the teachers being equated to the soldiers on the front line.  He writes that if a military operation is not going as efficiently as hoped, that the soldiers are never blamed, but the strategy, the coordinators, and the planners are blamed for it, however in the educational system, if a school is not performing as well as hoped, than the teachers are blamed for the failure, and not the system that they are involved in.  As a result, those teachers are almost disciplined by having their resources lessened and are still expected to out-perform their previous years' scores.  Comparing this to the army once again, that would mean that if an operation failed, than the soldiers would then be blamed and have some of their resources stripped away, and then get sent back into the exact same conflict using the exact same strategy and expected to overcome...


To me that doesn't make sense, and I applaud Dave Eggers for this comparison, but I challenge him to take it a step further.


If a military operation fails, then the strategy and coordinators are blamed, not the soldiers.  In other words, the larger system that the soldiers are involved in is modified to increase their performance.  In his article, Dave Eggers is calling for an adjustment to the salaries of teachers, as if handing the soldiers larger guns will increase their likelihood for success if their strategy is flawed.  I say that the system that the teachers are working within should be addressed, and that perhaps outside assistance should be considered for those teachers in the form outside of the classroom assistance such as tutor/mentor programs  If the soldiers on the front line are struggling in the face of opposition, it is very beneficial for them to call in outside assistance in the form of an air strike or satellite imagery, but in the conversation of addressing the struggles that our educational system is facing, why is the topic of tutor/mentor programs not being brought to the table as a viable form of assistance for teachers and schools who are victims of a larger system that is setting them up for failure?

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This is a graphic of the Strategy used by the Tutor/Mentor Connection. It's the reason we are all connected on this web site. Sites like this bring people together who can share ideas, build relationships, and work together to overcome common obstacles. If no one creates and hosts the site, no one else connects, unless someone else creates a similar site, and does similar work over many years to draw attention, and people, to the site. This Ning group is just one part of the many resources collected and shared by the T/MC. What we share on the T/MC site is free to anyone who wants to use it. It's also constantly being changed both by what we add to the site, and by what the people we link to add to their own web sites. Thus, we need to find people who will spend time learning what is on the web sites, and who is in a group like this, then who spend time "helping" others find the knowledge, or the people, they need to find in order to do the work they are doing. My wish for 2010 is that more people will step forward to take roles within the T/MC, to help gather, organize and share this information, and to help more people find it and use it. If enough people do that then the people directly connected to kids will have more of the resources they need to have an impact on the lives of those children, youth and families. Happy new year to all of you. Thanks for joining this group. I look forward to hearing from you in 2010 (which for some of you may already be here!)
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