What are the challenges of operating a volunteer-b (40)
Mentoring and social media conversation
This is a conversation between Dan Bassill and Shanon Aronin, which started in the youth mentoring list serve (A forum for communication among researchers and practitioners concerning mentoring of youth), then continued outside of the group list for
Read more…Young people from London England volunteering in African communities.
Dear colleagues and mentors.
In London a week from now, I will run the London Marathon in support of a youth exchange non profit, The Daneford Trust. Since 1982 this grassroots trust have supported young people within London to volunteer in parts of
Read more…Use your blog to write about what you learn on Tutor/Mentor Connection site
More than 450 people have joined this Ning community since 2007. A small group have been interns working with Tutor/Mentor Connection in Chicago. If you look at the discussions in this visualization group and this network analysis group, you can see
Comments requested on "Policy Brief for Youth Mentoring"
I've posted this message from: David Dubois . I encourage you to read the policy brief and add your comments in this forum, or email David directly with your comments. You can also request to join his email forum. Dear Colleagues, I'm pleased to sh
Read more…How do i help students excellent under our program maintain excellence
How do i help excellent students under our program maintain excellence
Read more…Letters to President Obama
When he addressed the nation last night President Obama read a letter from a young girl. We'd like to encourage the president to read the letters written by teens at Cabrini Connections. You can find them on the http://cabriniblog.blogspot.com page.
We have a set of student under our program who are either always careless with their writing material or do not know why they should be responsible for their failure or success in there academic work how do we make this student more responsible? What
Read more…Podcast scheduled for Jan 13 with Houston network
I've been invited to be part of a podcast tonight. I've not done this before and am not sure what the format will be, and thus how I'll be able to share information from the vast resources of the Tutor/Mentor Connection.
Thus, I'm posting the discu
Read more…T/MC Case Study
As a graduate student at Dominican University, I had the opportunity to study Tutor/Mentor Connections in light of the impact of the network that the organization built of tutoring and mentoring organizations utilizing the internet. The course, Commu
Read more…August 08 Tutor/Mentor Survey Discussion
We have had 29 responses to the Tutor/Mentor Survey and you can view these responses at http://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=NQTXMI8tphuJCl1wBbXZK94aXhdH07OAaOBWsjFpNu8_3d Here is a summary of these responses: 25 people completed the survey. 40%
Read more…Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference, November 21
The Tutor/Mentor Connection will host a one day conference at the Field Museum in Chicago on November 21. We are now recruiting workshop leaders and panel participants. The goal of this conference is to encourage networking and idea sharing, while in
Read more…News of Tutor/Mentor Connection
Take a look at this story written about the Tutor/Mentor Connection and published in THE LOOP.
Read more…Tutor/Mentor Survey - Most important needs of volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs
T/MC launched a small survey of Chicago tutor/mentor programs in August 09 and Nicole White has summarized the results on her blog.
We launched a broader survey in August 2008 to understand what we have in common and how we differ. You can still tak
Using social networking tools, role of intermediaries
I encourage you to read this article and consider ways you can apply this thinking to support tutor/mentor in multiple locations. If you know of intermediaries acting like this to support volunteer-based tutoring and/or mentoring programs, why not a
Read more…Waiting for Superman documentary - discuss how it helps volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs
Last weekend the Waiting for Superman movie opened. It's purpose is to focus attention on a broken public education system and bring people together to build a better one.
Have you seen it? Have you visited the WOF web site to join the discussion an
Read more…What would it take to launch an interactive webinar/e-learning site for tutor/mentor program leaders?
Today I ran across an innovative new website that is designed as an interactive "virtual classroom" for entrepreneurs. Startup School allows people to create their own profiles then participate in webinars relevant to best practices in starting a suc
Read more…Culture of Violence. How to build a K-16 suport system that models different habits?
Today the Chicago Tribune featured a story titled Lesson from the Street: Don't Back Down.
A researcher who was quoted in this report is Deanna Wilkinson, from Ohio State University. Deanna joined this Ning group a few weeks ago. I hope you'll all a
Preparing k-12 students for the global economy
I definitely feel that online mentorship can definitely play a role for businesses and employers to reach out to middle and high school students. Especially, since our youth is alot more technicaly dependent and savvy than previous generation. My foc
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