Tutor/Mentor Connection

Connect knowledge, volunteers, youth and make a difference.

Hello guys,

My name is Rachel Hong and I'm a student at City University of New York--Baruch College. I know that there are other volunteers who don't live in the Chicago area, but would like to extend hands to the students. I believe we can help the students' academic performance and personal growth through virtual means.

As I was researching for volunteer opportunities, I came across a group (which I forgot its name) that recruits young adults and adults to help improving the elementary students' reading skills. They would assign a book bi-monthly to both mentors and mentees. The mentors are mentees are asked to not just to read the books but also to think of discussion topics based on the assigned book to share with each other through emails. I think that's a great way to both expand their knowledge as well as getting to know each other. They don't have to see each other in person, but the book is the virtual bridge that will connect their hearts and souls.

What do you guys think of the idea? I can't wait to hear your thoughts on this!



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Replies to This Discussion

I think this might be a great way to connect students and volunteers from different programs together in this forum. It can have a direct benefit on the kids, but possibly an even greater benefit on how programs begin to network with each other around program issues, such as funding, evaluation, volunteer recruitment and training, etc.

What do others think?
I like the idea of long-distance mentoring and a book program sounds like a good start. Ultimately it would be best if mentors and mentees met face-to-face, an arrangement that I think is more conducive to developing a close, mutually beneficial relationship. However, if such an opportunity is not in place or cannot work out (e.g. a student has sports or music practice every afternoon), a long-distance partnership (almost like pen pals) could be a great alternative. It could also work in addition to face-to-face mentoring, for instance, if students from Baruch College were to be match up with students from Cabrini Connections.
A Book Club would be a fantastic idea even if it's organized as an after school club at CC. Is there an after school Book Club in CC's past and if/so was it successful? If so I suggest we begin with 50 Cent's 'the 50th Law' incredibly inspirational and not as ruthless, heady, and Machiavellian as Greene's 'the 48 Laws of Power'.


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