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I talked with Sam and we decide to divide her works.

I will make Atheletes and celebrities things as animation.

If you want me to do other things, please tell me.

Until that, I will work on this. 

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to do!



Did you enjoy last weekend? 

I traveled to St.Louis during the Memorial Day weekend, there is a huge arch. It's big enough to give me amazement.


Last week, I made some illustrations to help people understand easier.

I will also continue to illustrate or made animation in reference to Daniel's articles.



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I made some newsletters based on T/MC and Cabrini Connection web site.

I will work on those things on this week, too.

And I just made a newsletter of this week.

I think from now on, I have to do some graphic works with Sam.

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Process maps - apply to your work

These I-Open process maps provided by Betsey Merkel are very good. I'd like to hear from any members of this forum who are finding ways to integrate them in their efforts to build and sustain high quality tutor/mentor programs in one, or more locations.


Here is the process of ...culture building, one aspect of the I-Open Civic Forum Process os/iopen/4788169291/in/set -72157624482024386#/photos /iopen/4788169291/in/set-72157624482024386/lightbox/


Here is the timeline and repeating activities


Where are the philanthropic investors who would provide the money/manpower/talent for us to integrate some of these ideas in the Tutor/Mentor Connection?

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