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3rd week. Tuesday

Last week, I tried to fix asset map.

I tried to change Park National Bank to Wintrust Bank.

Logos, words and locations.

I found a test aspx file, so I used that for a test page.

I checked almost codes in all files, and I found a xml file that

have coordinates of banks. Those are in a XML folder.

 After several attempts, I changed large logo and word.
Big logos and words can be changed in AssetMap-test.aspx.
(This is for a test page. If you change something in

AssetMap.aspx, It will affect a real asset map page.)



 But couldn't change small icons on the map. I found that small 
icons are related to .js file(java script) so I changed codes but

didn't work at that time. However, it works now. I didn't do

anything but it works now. Of course, I knew after changing

codes, we have to save that file and close the window and open

the site again. At that time, it didn't work. I guess sometimes it needs time for changing something. 



 Today, I will find the real locations of Wintrust banks in Chicago, and make the bank page perfect. If I have some extra time, try to fix other problems.

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2nd Week

 Yesterday, I access the server. I looked database tables, java codes in asp, aspx files. Because I want to fix some errors in Program Locator website. On the Program Locator, Asset map and Interactive map have some problem.

 Boundaries didn't show up on both maps. Also, resources and schools information need update. For instance, park national bank doesn't exist anymore, and latest data of school is 2008. Boundaries problem is related to google map api update. It worked before but after update, it didn't work now. Resource problems, I found a codes for showing result on the map.

 Today, I will try to fix this. But I'm worried about database system. If I ruined server...It would be horrible. I backup database and I didn't edit asp, aspx files. Actually, I don't know how to get files and images from server to my computer. So I copied codes and paste on notepad, and make a same file on mine. But I don't know to bring images. Also, for safety, I need to test page to fix these errors I think. But I don't know this, too.  

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National mentoring month

This is an article written by Dan.

It is talking about tutor/mentor program.  Think about every under 25 boys and girls live in poverty area, will get a job for company, government or the other place need help. It would be great. For that, we need people who have a same dream. CEOs, Board members, policy makers, youth, volunteers, and program leaders. We need everyone. 

more details in here.

Engage Team In Informal Learning to Support Mentor Program Growth

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My Network

This is My Network map.

My family, High School friends, University Friends, Volunteer


 My father has a small company. It is related in radar for harbor traffic system. Our hometown is Busan, and this city is near by sea. My mother is a housewife. But she has a strong faith about Buddhism. She usually go to the temple, she has a network in there. My younger brother is a student in University of Busan. He has a same major as me. Since we moved in Busan in 2000, we've lived in there. So he has a lot of friends in Busan. My uncle work for Chevy, two of my cousins work for Samsung in Suwon, one is a highschool teacher in Seoul,  one works in China, one works in Japan. In my mother's side, one of the uncle retired in the army. one cousin is a university student in China.

My high school friends. Most of them are in Seoul now. They are university students. Seoul National University, Yeonse University, University of Seoul, Sejong University, Korea Aerospace University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

And all of us have a different major.

My university friends can be divided 2 parts.

One group is composed friends in same major, another is composed friends in travel club. Some of my friends in same major(computer engineering) hired by Samsung, CJ, Korean bank and so on. The others will study together with me in this year. Travel club is the club for every students in University, so I could meet a lot of students in many different majors. Actually, most of them are in mechanical engineering.

Volunteer friends, I met these friends during volunteering for music festivals. We love to volunteer for our favorite bands, so we met a lot. Sometimes, we met as volunteers, other times we met as guests or staffs in many festivals. We are in good relationship and they know the importance of volunteering and like it.


If you want to know me, I mean, if you need some more details about me, look at my intro.

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Network map


Hi! My name is Sunjoong Yoo.

This is my networking map.
Through this map, I can share my own idea with a great number of people.
Daniel explained to me that the power of this 'Network'.
By sharing some contents or ideas, we can meet 'Super hero' who can help our community.

If you want to download above image, then click below link. Thank you for your reading.


* Below link is my self-introduction.
If you want to know about me, then please click it.

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Self introduction

Hi! My name is Sunjoong Yoo from South Korea.

I’m an IT(Information Technology) Student in IIT and Ajou University.

I’m a junior in Ajou University which located in Suwon, South Korea. And During last semester, I studied in IIT which located in Chicago as an exchange student.

 My major (IT and Digital Media) covers lots of fields. It covers programming language, movie, game, broadcasting system and so on. And I’m interested in making movie clips. So I hope that this skill is helpful to my future internship and our T/MC.

 During this week, I watched some contents that done by past interns and I also watched some articles which related to T/MC’s work.

I was very impressed. I’ll do my best in next 6 weeks. Thank you.

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Introduce myself

Hi. My name is Byungkwan Jang from South Korea.

I studied IT in IIT during last semester, as a kind of exchange student. 

I and another intern Sunjoon started tutor/mentor internship two days ago.

We will do this internship in until mid of February.

This is my prezi to introduce myself.


I and other intern Sunjoong, we almost saw last intern's results.

They interpret last  results or Dan's reseults.

They use different programs for their products. 

Prezi, flash, utube video, gephy, and so on.

one of the examples.



flash :

gephy :

We consider to use new programs, such as, motion graphics, vizify or other stuffs.

Also, we thought there are a lot of words and contents in a scene in some prezi.

It reduces the readability i think. So we have to make them more simple.

Actually, I'm interested in map using by google API. So I'm waiting map developer's reply.

Now, we cannot use Program Locator. I thought it's very good and important for tutor/mentor.

So I wanna fix it if I can. 

And, this is my network map. If you are interested, click.

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Please join us at for our next Designers for Learners free webcast on Wednesday, December 4th at 1:00 p.m. CST. Here is the start time in your area: The webcast will focus on opportunities to develop service-learning and Open Educational Resource (OER) projects to support General Educational Development (GED) test preparation. Our guests for the webcast have extensive experience in OER development, including Ronda Neugebauer and David Wiley of Lumen Learning (, and Quill West, OER Director at Tacoma Community College (

In the past few months, we have received inquiries from nonprofits in need of instructional design help to support GED test preparation, including resources for learners, as well as for staff and volunteers who work as tutors. In 2014, the requirements for the GED test will change significantly from the existing 2002 version of the test. In addition to changes in the content and test items, all students will be required to take the test via computer vs. pencil and paper. Instructional materials are needed to support a range of subject-matter, including math, science, social studies, language arts, and computer use. Please join us to contemplate the adaptation, development, and use of OER as an alternative to existing commercial offerings, such as those in the GED marketplace (

We look forward to seeing you on December 4th! If you can't make the live session, the recording will be available at or

Connect with us on twitter at:

Designers for Learning updates are posted at:
Our website:

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I'm trying to create a visualization that any youth serving organization might be willing to use to visually communicate what time of day they reach youth, what age range they serve and what types of learning and mentoring activities are offered.

This is what I've done so far.  This could be downloaded and colored in by hand, then scanned and uploaded as a jpg. Perhaps it could be imported into photo shop or a paint program and colored in.  Or perhaps someone could create a graphics program that enables people to fill in this information via their computer, then produce a jpg that could be posted on their web site.

If we found a way to make this easy to create, and to motivate a larger number of organizations to put this on their web sites it might have two benefits. Programs might see activities that are included in work of other programs and try to duplicate that in their own programs. Donors might begin to differentiate between school based, non school, volunteer based, etc. and use this information to support fund raising or volunteer involvement decisions.


The collection of information about programs, based on what they do, needs to also be part of a matrix showing who they serve, and where they are located.  Programs operating in big cities have a different costs of operating framework than programs in smaller communities.

I don't know of anyone collecting and analyzing this information.

In the next class of interns I'll offer this as a project.  If anyone viewing this would want to create their own version and share it, please do.

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Prep To Succeed Volunteer ACT Tutoring Program

                                                      Prep To Succeed


     Along with grades and academic class load, a high school student’s ACT test score plays a major factor in determining college admission.  Many qualified students could improve their chances of getting into a better college with a higher ACT test score, but they do not always have the resources that can help them succeed. Many students from more affluent areas have access to individualized tutoring and find their scores improve greatly with this addition. Prep to Succeed will provide individualized ACT tutoring to students in the Chicagoland area who would not have access to this level of tutoring otherwise. The program will begin in January, 2014, to prepare students for the April ACT exam.

     To qualify for tutoring, which will be provided free of charge, students must be in the top level of their class, as these are the students who are most likely to benefit from additional help. Improved ACT scores will provide them with access to better colleges and increased financial aid opportunities. Prep to Succeed will work with individual high schools and mentoring programs to identify which students to assist. Tutoring will focus on the subject matter of the test as well as more general test taking skills.

     Prep to Succeed is planning to tutor 10-20 students this year. Hopefully, in the future we will be able to assist many more students.

     The tutors will be volunteers Our ideal tutors will be college education students or students who scored well on the exam, but other interested individuals will be considered. Tutors will undergo a training process prior to working with the students.


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Free Webcast on Monday, November 18th

Daniel invited me to shamelessly self-promote a free webcast I am hosting on Monday as part of a webcast series I have held on the design of service-learning projects for college students ... so here it goes :)

Please join us at for our next Designers for Learners webcast on Monday, November 18th at noon CST. Here is the start time in your area:

Dr. Monica Tracey, Associate Professor of Instructional Technology in the College of Education at Wayne State University, is joining the webcast to discuss her experiences designing and facilitating service-learning projects in her classes. In addition, she will share her perspectives on the practice of instructional design and designer decision-making based on her research and current design projects, as well as from her prior experience as the owner of a performance consulting and instructional design firm. See Monica's bio at
We'll see you on November 18th! If you can't make the live session, the recording will be available at and
Jennifer Maddrell
Find out more about Designers for Learning and connect with us at:

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12637700452?profile=originalOn Monday I hosted another Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference in Chicago. This was the 40th in the past 20 years. I'm still going through attendance information, evaluations, etc. but it looks like about 105 attended.
One participant, Changyue An,  is a graduate student from IIT in Chicago. Here's some information he shared from a workshop titled "Mentoring Urban Youth"

1.  Two important principles we must remember

  • Young people do not see what you see.
  • If they are gangs, you must see them as individuals.

 2.  The Approach to be a good tutor/mentor

  • What you see might not be what others see.
  • What you experience plays an important factor on how you react and handle situations.
  • Gained knowledge allows you to make certain judgments about situations and/or people.

 3.  Build Methodology-Relationship Building

  • Diversity
  • Respect
  • Open & Honest Communication
  • Trust
  • Teamwork

 4.  M&M’s-another way to be a good tutor/mentor

  • Meet youth where they are at
  • Make a connection
  • Master their needs and interests
  • Maintain positive relationship
  • Manage their trust
  • Motivate them to positive programs

If any of you attended the same workshop, please add your own thoughts. If you would like to post a review of other workshops you attended, or of the overall conference, I encourage you to do that, too.

In the Groups section of the forum one sub group shows interns from universities working with me every six months to create strategy visualizations.  In this album, and this album, you can see photos from previous conferences, which were taken by interns who attended those. 

These illustrate roles  young people can take as intermediaries, and communicators, using their own skills to draw attention to events, activities and ideas.  Youth from many schools could be doing this and the result would be greater attention for social issues like tutoring/mentoring of youth, and a greater flow of resources from those who could help tutor/mentor programs operate in different cities.

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An Introduction

Hi All,

My name is Daniel Isherwood and I'm excited to be formally involved with the Tutor Mentor Institute.  I have known about the institute and been a colleague of Dan Bassill's since I started teaching at Byrd Academy in the Cabrini Green neighborhood in 2002.  When I first started teaching at Byrd, the one thing that really stood out to me was the amount of free time the children had before and after their school day.  I realized right away that in order for them to reach their full potential there had to be before and after school opportunities for them to connect with mentors with in one capacity or another.  I had a philosophy that it did not necessarily matter the type of program whether it be athletics, arts, or educational enhancement as long as there was a consistent mentor dedicated to that young person's development.  After a year of teaching I decided that I would start a not for profit to help fill this before and after school time.  I created an organization called Urban Initiatives, which has steadily grown over the years and now reaches student's with a number of different high impact programs at 29 Chicago Public Schools. Urban Initiatives does amazing work, but I felt like there was more that needed to be done which is how I ended up getting involved with the Institute.  The Institute takes a global perspective at a local level.  The aim is not to create one great program that helps a certain number of children, but to give every program a set of resources and best practices to continually enhance and modernize their program's to have a much deeper impact across this great city.  I am very excited about the building this organization and in turn helping every child in Chicago get on a path from birth to work.

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  • Todays world of education there are lots of high school students, that believe after high school that's it for them how sad. In some cases lots of families are poor they cant afford to send they child to college. Guess what? That's why one voice can make a differents. I will not sit back and allow our youth to think in such ways. By going into schools and being a advocate against violence and a community speaker. Allowing our youth to expand there minds on just how far education can take them for the future.  Thank goodness for mentors. In the past 6 years of my life the violence has never stop with our youth. My son Lazarus is not on this earth any more. But because of my son Lazarus his life was taking due to violence. He wasn't able to finished 8 grade to further has education.

    Lazarus was brutally beaten to death on the north- side of Chicago on 02-20-07 at the age of thirteen. In one night his dreams were taken from him. Lazarus attended Budlong Elementary School I am now the voice of Lazarus, speaking to save all children from violence. My heart’s desire is to stop the violence in order to prevent other parents from experiencing the pain of burying their children. I have traded my quiet nature in, for public activism, rather than suffer beneath the rubble of my grief. In the name of Lazarus I dedicated my time and efforts into creating educational programs as Mannequin Visual Thinking , Emotions Through Artwork , Blind The Darkness Of Violence With Light

    In losing my son Lazarus Jones at the age of thirteen to violence on February 19, 2007, my life took a 12637699463?profile=originalturn. My vision and purpose is now primarily on the safety of all children

     As a mother I have to be a voice for him and all youth. On education, forgiveness, love, family,and mentoring our youth. Passion brings more love but forgiveness brings more life. Life is not to be taking from anyone on this earth. Education is an act of faith and knowledge. P.H.J    
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Six weeks goes fast like an arrow. when I came here first, I thought we talked to children and helped other tutors. However, my work which inform poverty to public was valuable and gave me a lot of advantage. Before I worked in here, I have not made a presentation using Prezi. While I made it, I studied and then was accustomed to using and applying it. So if I will have a chance to make a presentation, I'll use Prezi with confidence.

What I felt about Tutor/Mentor Connecntion during internship, my country, Korea needs this programs. Some Korea region also suffer poverty and many children couldn't study because cost of private educational institute is so expensive, If Korean donator shows company's data and make institute like T/MC, life of children will be better.

I really appreciate Daniel Bassill to give a chance to work T/MC. It was very good experience and will compromise a large part in my life. Thank you

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 Hi, I’m Kyungryul.  Time was so fast. 6 weeks gone like the wind in Chicago.  I learned many things in Tutor/Mentor Connection. Especially, I learned the volunteer organization. Tutor/Mentor Connection has not only just volunteer, but also has a lot of information about the poverty. I was surprised about these information. I’ll try to share these, although my internship will done. The internship was very precious experience.  Everything  is good and impressed.  My best experience was the conference on June 7th. It was very good experience to my life. Because It was my first time to meet many office and company. I learned about America office culture and office communication.

I'm sad, because I will go back to Korea soon. Chicago gave me many thing and memory.

I can not forget. I hope next intern will make difference using creative works. Thank you for having a great time for Tutor/Mentor Connection internship. Thank you, Daniel.

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This is my final version of third presentation. I made a Prezi introducing some previous interns' works. I worked with KyungRyul, co-worker intern in Tutor/Mentor Connection.

Ending by this presentation, my internship is over. Thank you Dan for guiding me about many things!

If you want to see, Click here

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