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This is my first time as a blogger so I may not have it right yet.  I was encouraged by Dan to participate and become familiar with it.  So here it goes although I don't have any experience yet.

As a non profit organization in the N. Lawndale area of Chicago.  I am concerned about the welfare of our youth and young adults.  Dan shared with me some very useful information on the ways that we can promote our community development and youth development.  We talked about youth in our program becoming potential customers and future employees for companies that invest in our youth. We talked about volunteers from different backgrounds and skill set that already exist in the many church within N. Lawndale. His mapping strategies of business and services around N. Lawndale as well as Chicago showed a grid of isolate support that cannot been seen or appreciated until you have actually been able to see how productive and beneficial the map are in several areas of the community. The purpose of such a map is to connect youth and volunteers in organized, long-term support system that reviews and support similar agencies by reviewing strategies for combined support.  For financial sustainability, Social Impact and longevity that aim to transform the lives of youth with us collaborating and supporting the community by bringing in donors and sponsors for whatever agency can benefit from it.  We have partnered with Tutor/Mentor Institute LLC to help generate revenue and support to continue the operations of T/MI while we break the feeling of generated poverty.  Thanks Dan for your help both now and later.  Looking forward to the June Tutor Mentor Conference. 

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In every high poverty neighborhood there are one or two anchor institutions, like a hospital, university, bank, etc. that could provide leadership and strategic support to strategies that support the growth of youth mentoring programs.

If those same institutions also focus on community wealth building then they may be more likely to build the types of leadership support needed to take a long term approach to youth mentoring program growth. 

This graphic is included in this blog post that I wrote today on this topic. I encourage you all to review t his and use the ideas in reaching out to anchor institutions in your own communities.

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