There are more than 200 non profit organizations in Chicago alone who provide some form of volunteer based tutoring and/or mentoring to groups of inner city kids. In our program locator, you can search different parts of the city to determine what programs are in each section. Every program is different in terms of size, age group served, types of activities, quality, etc. However, they are all constantly looking for the money, volunteers, leaders and training that is required for constant improvement. We operate one of these programs. It is Cabrini Connections.
In most cities, no single database exists that tries to identify all of the existing non-school tutoring/mentoring programs. Few leaders create poverty maps showing the entire city, and showing all of the neighborhoods where tutor/mentor programs are needed. Furthermore, few leaders try to help all of the programs get needed resources on a consistent basis, by advertising or advocating to the private sector with a goal of increasing the number of people who get involved with tutoring/mentoring programs in different neighborhoods.
In Chicago, the Tutor/Mentor Connection, is trying to fill this leadership role. Through this web site we're connecting individual programs with each other, and people from different cities and countries with each other.
The goal is that everyone can take information from this forum and apply it in their own program, or in their own community.
In addition, any one can take on a T/MC role, and try to increase the number of volunteers, donors, business and political leaders who support tutor/mentor programs, and a T/MC strategy.
If more people take this role, we increase the number of people who get involved, and we help every program get the resources needed to make a greater impact on the lives of kids who participate in their programs.
This use of maps, to market the growth of tutor/mentor programs in areas where they are most needed, could be applied in Sydney, Hong Kong, or any big city of the world. Thus, the people who might invest money or provide donations could come from any part of the world.
I hope you'll make an effort to share what you know of the T/MC and our use of maps with people in your own business networks. I'm trying to find donors who would help us continue the work we're doing, with the goal that the ideas and applications could be used in their own cities.
Lili, can you provide a little more information about yourself. What type of work are you doing? Where do you go to school? What role do you have in education, tutoring/mentoring or volunteering?
Hi Lili, I hope you'll join the groups on this site and help connect volunteers and program leaders from China, Australia and the US with each other and the ideas we all share.
There are more than 200 non profit organizations in Chicago alone who provide some form of volunteer based tutoring and/or mentoring to groups of inner city kids. In our program locator, you can search different parts of the city to determine what programs are in each section. Every program is different in terms of size, age group served, types of activities, quality, etc. However, they are all constantly looking for the money, volunteers, leaders and training that is required for constant improvement. We operate one of these programs. It is Cabrini Connections.
In most cities, no single database exists that tries to identify all of the existing non-school tutoring/mentoring programs. Few leaders create poverty maps showing the entire city, and showing all of the neighborhoods where tutor/mentor programs are needed. Furthermore, few leaders try to help all of the programs get needed resources on a consistent basis, by advertising or advocating to the private sector with a goal of increasing the number of people who get involved with tutoring/mentoring programs in different neighborhoods.
In Chicago, the Tutor/Mentor Connection, is trying to fill this leadership role. Through this web site we're connecting individual programs with each other, and people from different cities and countries with each other.
The goal is that everyone can take information from this forum and apply it in their own program, or in their own community.
In addition, any one can take on a T/MC role, and try to increase the number of volunteers, donors, business and political leaders who support tutor/mentor programs, and a T/MC strategy.
If more people take this role, we increase the number of people who get involved, and we help every program get the resources needed to make a greater impact on the lives of kids who participate in their programs.
If you read the articles at you'll see that these support this idea.
This use of maps, to market the growth of tutor/mentor programs in areas where they are most needed, could be applied in Sydney, Hong Kong, or any big city of the world. Thus, the people who might invest money or provide donations could come from any part of the world.
I hope you'll make an effort to share what you know of the T/MC and our use of maps with people in your own business networks. I'm trying to find donors who would help us continue the work we're doing, with the goal that the ideas and applications could be used in their own cities.
"Your teachings are warmer than spring; your kindness is deeper than a sea."
"My dear teacher, what shall I present to you as a gift? Maybe my achievement in my future work will be the best present."