We have had 29 responses to the Tutor/Mentor Survey and you can view these responses at http://www.surveymonkey.com/sr.aspx?sm=NQTXMI8tphuJCl1wBbXZK94aXhdH07OAaOBWsjFpNu8_3d Here is a summary of these responses: 25 people completed the survey. 40% were pure mentoring and 36% were tutor/mentor. 60% came from beyond Chicago region. 64% were in a director or administrator role 32% had been in their role 1 year or less. 52% had been in their role 5 years or more. The primary source of funding for 36% was government. Corporate and private foundations accounted for 28%. Private donations/individuals was the primary source for 20% Nearly one-half (48%) served 100 or more participants. 28% serve 50 to 100. 72% of programs had weekly contact with participants. 16% had daily contact. 75% of programs offered 3-5:30 pm services while 62.5% offered evening (5:30 to 8pm). Almost 60% offered services during the school day. Only 72% of the programs said 75 to 100% of participants are in one-on-one matches. 16% said between 25 and 50% are in one-on-one matches. Skills improvement, staying in school, long term connection with students and volunteer were the most important goals, but none of these was rated most important by more than 33%. No one rated college enrollment, starting jobs or careers or staying connected to programs at later ages as most important. In fact, staying connected to the program was least important to 63% of programs. College and career were least important to more than 40% of respondents. Although staying in school through high school graduation was most important to 68%. What happens after that? How do we attract business support if our goals don’t lead kids to jobs? 72% of programs say long-term duration was a component. 54% said college and career activities were included. 99% of the programs felt they do well in helping participants reach expected outcomes while 82% said they do well in obtaining needed resources, including recruiting and retaining volunteers. Only 40% say the do well in training some volunteers to take leadership and capacity building roles. 77% of programs feel outcomes are known and understood by all, while 72% felt the program components are known and understood by all. Most critically needed resource was finding tutors/mentors (50%); money/funding ( 47%) and retaining quality staff (42%) . No single issue received more than 21% as the single most important resource needed. We'll keep the survey going and update these comments in about 3 months. What do you make of these comments? It seems that we have a small sample, and a very mixed group of respondents. I think it is interesting that most programs don't have a focus beyond high school, and few view the long-term connection of volunteers to the kids, or the program as important. At Cabrini Connections this is our most important long-term goal. It means we've helped kids living in poverty have a network of people who don't live in poverty who can help them find jobs in their adult lives. It also means we have people who are growing in their jobs who will support our continued work as they gain leverage in their own careers. What do you make of this information?

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