The Tutor/Mentor Connection maintains an extensive on-line library with links to articles that help us understand where and why volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs are most needed. I encourage you to launch discussions about these articles in the Ning forum, or in the Tutor/Mentor Connection forum. You can also add new articles. Each of the links below point to articles which illustrate where and why tutor/mentor programs are needed. Share these with business, church and community leaders. Use them to develop your own volunteer-recruitment and tutor/mentor program support strategy. Reframing school drop out as a Public Health Issue Cities in Crisis - Dropout rates highest in 50 biggest cities Building Systems of Support - a response to No Child Left Behind Make Peace, Not War. If we don't want to lose our inner city kids to street violence, poor schools, and limited futures This link points to a series of articles .... Creating a pipeline to jobs and careers Challenges of building and sustaining strong non profit organizations

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