Tutor/Mentor Connection

Connect knowledge, volunteers, youth and make a difference.

Daniel Bassill's Comments

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At 2:01pm on April 3, 2009, Snehal Gupta said…
No, I am not one among the interns.
I work in the office with Dori. I heard about your organization and wanted to join the group.
Well I am a Master's student at IIT, majoring in Information Technology and Management.
At 2:53am on March 28, 2009, Obot Gregory said…
Yes Bassill, I am bridging the digital divide in primary schools and secondary in Nigeria. I also train the trainers digitally.

for more info. send me a mail nobot@oued.org
At 9:41am on March 11, 2009, Colleen Brazill-Murray said…
thank you!
At 6:06pm on March 3, 2009, Shannon K. Aronin said…
Thanks Dan, I will take a look at those and try to jump in to some conversations on here!
At 4:51pm on March 3, 2009, Shannon K. Aronin said…
Hi Dan, yes, thanks for the add. Sorry I haven't figured out the full functionality of ning yet, and might not be able to till after SXSW. But since I am working on my blog including best links and blogs, I wanted to make sure I got on and connected with you. However... if you want to point me in the right direction -- what space within this community would allow us to talk more about social media with the widest possible audience? Obviously I need to flesh my profile on here out a bit more. Thanks!
At 2:27pm on February 25, 2009, Lucy Lamunu said…
Thanks Daniel.
I have signed up for tutor/mentor connection website. I hope to benefit from the various ideas shared here.

Thanks again for inviting me.
At 3:23pm on February 22, 2009, Taeho said…
Hi, Dan.
I checked their work on the site and it's very good. I look forward to working with you from next week. As I told you, I'm interested in Information Visualization based on the map. Could I be a part of your program locator project, or could I try to make a new prototype version of it?
At 5:02pm on February 19, 2009, Evan Witalison said…
Hey Dan, Thanks for the invite to join this site.
At 4:47pm on February 15, 2009, Daniel Bassill said…
We've updated the Cabrini Connections web site and posted videos that show our work and give voice to our teens. This is the type of program we hope to help grow in many locations, in Chicago and other cities.
At 3:39pm on January 20, 2009, Alan Yoo said…
Hi Dan. I've just built my own blog by WordPress. Actually the olufex.com that you mentioned is a blog written in Korean and published to Korean blog portals. I'm going to write about experiences with Cabrini Connection at the blog at http://olufex.wordpress.com . And I'm happy to open new blog.
At 5:37pm on January 12, 2009, Daniel Bassill said…
After 7 years I've finally been able to get the Tutor/Mentor Exchange web site re-built to focus on the section I call Tutor/Mentor Institute. I hope you'll take a look.

You might ask, what is different on this site than on the http://www.tutormentorconnection.org site?

The difference is that on the T/MC site we have more than 1400 links, representing the collective knowledge of people from around the world. Anyone can draw from this knowledge to form their own opinion of what a tutor/mentor program should look like, where they are needed, why they are needed, and what they can do to help programs grow and have a greater impact on kids.

The Tutor/Mentor Institute site represents ideas I've developed over 30 years of leading a volunteer-based tutor/mentor program, and ideas we're trying to implement at the Cabrini Connections program in Chicago. Through the essays on this site we focus on a long-view with the outcome being kids in jobs and careers. We cannot achieve these goals as a single program. We need to have hundreds of programs working toward these goals, with support from businesses, churches, colleges, hospitals and others who have a stake in preparing a more educated workforce.

I hope you'll view the site and give us your feedback.
At 7:04pm on November 18, 2008, Midi Berry said…
Yes and yes. Our experience and feedback fed directly into development of the the Youth Training Scheme - a major plank of Thatcher's Britain which developed and expanded throughout the '80's (http://www.keele.ac.uk/depts/so/youthchron/Education/8090educ.htm).
At 3:47pm on November 18, 2008, Midi Berry said…
Hi Dan
Thanks for the kind comments re my input to Social Edge. Re the project you ask about: we were charged to define and then deliver the life and social skills training needed to equip disadvantaged urban 16-18 year old school leavers to enter the workplace. We started with a blank sheet! The process we used was facilitative and iterative. The kids themselves knew better than any of us what obstacles, challenges and problems they faced, so it became a matter of designing a curriculum around their identified needs and then finding/ co-creating with them the support materials and methods that would deliver the needed results. e.g. many of them were in trouble with the law but few had ever had a two way conversation with a cop. We invited in a local police officer and created a forum for him to advise the kids on how to stay out of trouble, while also hearing from them about their own grievances with local law enforcement. Both sides learned from each other, we all learned as we went along and it was a partnership process from beginning to end. Detailed content was time, place and context specific, but there were undoubtedly generic lessons. I was interested recently to find a website (http://www.workshopsinc.com/) that serves people with disabilities in Central Alabama - the online life skills program curriculum offered there bears a marked resemblance to the program we evolved for and with kids in an urban English setting more than twenty years ago. IMO the success of our program (over the 2.5 years I was involved, higher than 80% of kids got into permanent work or went on to higher level education) lay in it having been developed from grassroots up. Today there are some excellent internet resources, which would certainly have made our life easier and us more effective. Our training also formed part of a much larger program of us working closely with local community service providers and willing employers, to find short term service placements for the kids, where they could 'practice' being at work regularly, before being judged and required to perform as fully functioning adult workers.
At 4:25pm on November 14, 2008, Midi Berry said…
thanks Dan - you've already offered some very useful ideas...
At 2:13am on October 20, 2008, Haminiaina Ratovoarivony said…
Hi Dan,

Thanks for the link on Madagascar!

About the video project, I've been thinking and it seems that the Tutor/mentor connection + Cabrini Connections together are definitively too large to be handled in a 10 to 15min video and with only 30 days to get it done.
So I'm thinking more to focus on Cabrini Connections. I'll keep you up to date.

See you!
At 4:50pm on August 31, 2008, Joy said…
Hi Dan,
Our school year begins in late January, and ends in early December, so we're right in the middle.
Please have a look at our website: www.ikamvayouth.org and our last annual report: http://www.ikamvayouth.org/files/active/0/IkamvaYouth_AnnualReport_2007.pdf

At 6:29pm on July 11, 2008, Michael said…
Thanks Dan!
At 11:14am on June 7, 2008, Daniel Bassill said…

I thought the May 29 and 30 conference went well. I went to Atlanta on Sunday for the National Conference on Volunteerism and Community Service, where my goals were the same as for the Chicago event. I was just in a different role as participant, not organizer.

Above is one of the diagrams that I created as I was listening to one of the speakers at the conference. This is a process I go through at every event I attend. I'm always thinking of how to link the people I'm listening to, the ideas I'm hearning and the people I meet to the goals of the Tutor/Mentor Connection, or to the goals of the Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service and of the national leadership on volunteerism and community service.

In my http://tutormentor.blogspot.com blog I'll recap the national and Chicago conference over the next week or so. At the same time I'll be sending out email follow up to individuals, and to my entire email list. Thus, if you add content here or to other sites you're hosting, my outreach can draw people to your ideas, Marylin and to others who participated in the Chicago conference or visit our web sites.
At 4:50pm on June 6, 2008, Steve Essig said…
Add more content!
At 2:34pm on June 6, 2008, Steve Essig said…

Tutor/Mentor Exchange

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