Tutor/Mentor Connection

Connect knowledge, volunteers, youth and make a difference.

hi how do i communiccate with members or start services?

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Just post a question and ask for feedback. You might introduce yourself, tell what role you have in working with youth, and then post information, or a request for feedback. One of the ning groups that I admire is Fireside Learning. They have managed to recruit a core group of people who post ideas and take time to read, and respond, to the ideas posted by other people.
hi danielle, thanks for input. I really a quiet person but enjoy working with people. i guess you can say i am the nurturing type, compelled to lend a helping hand.
i am a recipient of
lupus 15 yrs. now, its dibilitating at times but i manage sometime better than others. i dont have car right now but soon. How do i physically get involved are we matched up with others work in groups, i guess sense im over another sick spell im ready to start thats why you havent heard from me sense dec.Tell me whats Fireside?
In the text box, if you click on words with an underline, like Fireside Learning you'll open another screen with that web site. In this case, Fireside Learning is an on-line group of educators who talk about issues related to learning. They often introduce books and articles that others have written, for members of the group to discuss on line.

The Tutor/Mentor Connection ning group is similar, except we focus on learning and mentoring that takes place in non-school hours, and the type of programs and structure that are needed in high poverty urban areas like Chicago. While many of the people on this site are folks like yourself, without a particular agenda, the site it self and many of the participants are focused on specific goals:

a) building a library of information, and maps showing where existing tutor/mentor programs are located in Chicago

b) building public attention that attracts more people to look at the library, or talk about the information

c) helping people find what they are looking for, understand the information, and use it in actions that

d) lead to more people being volunteers, donors, supporters of the tutor/mentor programs that operate in Chicago or other cities.

Thus, every time you tell a friend or family member to look at the information we are pointing to, you are involved in the actions of section (b); If you encourage someone to make a donation to a tutor/mentor program, or be a volunteer you're in section (d). If you add a new article to the web site, or help us learn about a new tutor/mentor program in Chicago, or in another city, you're doing the work of section (a).

While people might randomly do these things, our aim is to motivate and teach people to take these actions every day.

Your involvement on this site is volunteering and interaction you can do from your computer. It is not direct, hands-on with kids. If you want to connect directly you'd need to find a program near where you live that you can get to easily on a regular basis. In Chicago people can use the information we provide to help them find places for direct service. In other cities, there are different types of groups doing work similar to this.
hi danieelle thanks again i am understanding gradually so i will continue slowly. i havew to leave but i will b n touch
Hi, nice to meet you, I need to talk to you for a while because i don't know this homepage very well, neither. So actually It has passed 3 days since we stared this internship. So I want to share it with you.


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