You are cordially invited to join us at the 2009 Congressional Black Caucus Foundations Annual Conference (Washington D.C) Screening of "Beyond the Bricks".September 24th, 2009 2-3:30pm at Washington Convention Center Rm 146-C.In the meanwhile, please connect with us at www.beyondthebricksproject.comHope to see you there,OuidaOuida WashingtonWashington Koen Mediawww.washingtonkoenmedia.com212 234-3925 ph
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Posted by Daniel Bassill on September 20, 2009 at 4:21am
Below is a strategy map that illustrates our goal of helping kids born in poverty be starting jobs and careers by age 25. You can follow the links on this map and find many ideas that you can use to lead this strategy where ever your may be.
If you share the same goal, I encourage you to create concept maps that provide your vision and blueprint, and illustrate the need you have for many people to help you, with time, talent, and money, because it will take those resources for many consecutive years to help a child who is 5 years old today be alive and starting a job when he/she is age 25.
This was created using free CMAP software. If you are creating your own maps, please share them so we can all learn where we can work together, or what we each are trying to do.
Last night Channel 2 News did a story about Cabrini Connections, showing a bit about what we do and conveying a message of "help wanted" to potential donor/viewers. You can see the story on their web site.
This illustrates that while we're leading the Tutor/Mentor Connection, and trying to help all of you, and many others, get the volunteers, dollars, ideas, that you need at your programs, we're dealing with the same problems, of not having steady benefactors helping us operate our own programs.
Unless we find ways to capture the attention of higher level leaders and philanthropists, none of us will have much long-term success of helping the kids we work with reach adult lives with the tools, skills, and mentoring networks that kids in more affluent areas of the world take for granted.
What are your ideas for finding and enlisting the type of leaders that I'm describing?
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