It takes a village!

Building awareness requires a consistent message. Interns at Cabrini Connections like Emily Gunn, E Wilson, and I write blogs and connect through social media realms in order to help continually spread the message of helping tutor/mentor students in low-income neighborhoods. We send out messages through different sources in hopes that people like you read them and feel compelled to help.Using that same concept every year we use the same annual calendar that help builds awareness, donors, and volunteers involvement in tutor/mentor programs in the Chicagoland area. As you can see above our next big event is in May where we have our Tutor/Mentor Leadership and Networking Conference in Chicago where three major things happen:1. It connects leaders and supporters of volunteer-based tutoring, mentoring and education-to-career programs with each other.2. It also builds visibility so that more volunteers and donors will choose to support tutor/mentor programs in the Chicago region3. Helps T/MC maintain its Chicago Area Programs List of area tutor/mentor programsIf you are interested in joining the Cabrini Connections team this would be the perfect opportunity to see where you fit in and how you would like to participate. To discuss your involvement you can email . Also, if you know of any friends or family members who would be interested in helping out our cause by either volunteering, donating, or even spreading the word, please send them to our website at every little bit helps. It takes a village to help and be effective, so help join the village and become apart of the Cabrini Connections solution!
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  • Each time one or more people writes and article like this, it encourages other people to think strategically about what they might do to help raise visibility, increase funding, and help make more and better volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs available to youth in Chicago and youth in other cities. Thus, as more and more students and volunteers write these articles, each is adding their voice to an army of communicators, activist and organizers.

    Your example is a model we hope many will follow. Thank you.
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