

Hi, my name is Minsub Lee. I am working at Cabrini Connection as a intern until the end of July. Through the intern, I want to learn about lots of things such as social skills, English and working experience. Thanks.

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  • Can you change the headline of the newspaper to Tutor/Mentor Connection instead of Cabrini Connections?
  • If you look at the most recent stories on the Tutor/Mentor Blog, the Cabrini Blog, and the Ning Blog, you should be able to create a "weekly news" that highlights those stories and points to them with links. You can also point to what Sam writes and include that, too.
  • Yes, I can create a newspaper type format and post it. Do I need to make articles that is already exist like this or just make it from today's articles? 

  • This is a creative introduction!  As you read blog articles posted here and on the Tutor/Mentor Blog each week can you create a newspaper type format and post it here and as a PDF that others might forward to people th ey know?
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