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  • We have a growing number of members on the Tutor/Mentor Connection site from Asia, Africa and North America. I hope that you'll all make an effort to share ideas, and innovate ways to not only increase the size of the group, but increase the number of people who are not in this forum, who will be volunteers and financial supporters of volunteer based tutor/mentor programs in your own communities, and in Chicago where we operate.

    That's the purpose of this site, and the Tutor/Mentor Connection. Read more of our ideas on the Tutor/Mentor Institute site.
  • I read about another social network, called Evolver, which has launched recently. It's using open source software and"is designed to support collaboration between individuals and groups and engage people in the process of transforming their own consciousness and their local communities."

    Does any one have experience with this group? Shall we set up an outpost there?
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