After interning at Cabrini Connections for a little over 14 weeks I have learned several things. I would like to share my knowledge with you so that you can start off with knowledge that I wish I had begun with.

So, how do you make the most of your internship? Well with the help of some online sites and my own experience in interning at Cabrini Connections I have come up with 9 points you should follow.

1. Set Personal Goals: Interning at Cabrini Connections is different than other internships. You have more leeway and as a result it is easy to veer off course. Is is imperative that in the beginning of your internship you set some goals you would like to accomplish. For instance, one of my goals was to reach atleast 60 hits on my blog. Doing things like this helped me stay on track and gave me something to look forward to in the internship. At the end of the day whatever your goals, you will feel a greater sense of accomplishment once you achieve them.

2. Have Regular Meetings with your Supervisor: As you will soon come to find Dan Bassill is a wonderful man who has a lifetime of knowledge. Not meeting with him would be a shame as he can greatly increase your knowledge of your field of interest. From Dan I have learned an extensive amount about Public Relations, Social Media, and how to effectively spread a message through social media.

3. Undertake all tasks with Enthusiasm and a Positive Attitude: Everything you do might not be super exciting but make sure you tackle each task with a positive outlook. You are at this internship to learn something and to help out Cabrini Connections. So, make the most of this internship and work as hard as you can. In the end it will all pay off.

4. Avoid Negativity: Everyone at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection are nice. These people end up becoming family, everyone gets along and it is a great work atmosphere. So please, don't ruin your experience by being rude. The quickest way to kill a good internship is being negative. So, avoid complaining, being rude, disrespecting coworkers, arriving late, leaving early, being closed-minded, missing deadlines, appearing arrogant, wearing improper attire (the dress is casual, but that doesn't mean you can dress like a slob), acting unprofessionally, appearing inflexible, and taking part in office politics.

5. Never Shun a Chance to Learn More About the Company/Industry: Take every opportunity presented to you to attend company or industry meetings, conferences, and events; participate in training workshops; and read all company materials. For instance, take the time to read through past blogs written by interns and other CC,T/MC staff, go to the biannual conference CC,T/MC hosts. By partaking in all of these things your knowledge of the trade will increase and benefit you grately in the long haul.

6. Get as Much Exposure as Possible: CC, T/MC may not be big but it would be worth your while to get to know all of your co-workers. Everyone at CC, T/MC has an interesting story and a different take on the organization and what needs to be done in the organization. The more you talk to others in the organization the more you'll be exposed to new ideas. Learning is key in an internship, so by talking to others in the organization the more you'll be enlightened.

7. Don't be Afraid to Ask Questions: Like I said earlier your internship is a learning experience. While Dan will expect to get a certain level of work from you, you are not expected to know everything. Seek advice and raise questions whenever you encounter something that is not familiar to you. Be open-minded about new ideas and procedures -- remember that you don't know everything and that your professors didn't teach you everything. (Note: the first week or so will be where you will learn how to use NING, where you will get your own NING page, and where you will learn exactly what you will be doing at your internship. Don't hesitate to ask questions about anything!)

8. Take Initiative: Learn how to "think outside the box." A key part in this internship is to get CC, T/MC more exposure. Figure out distinctive ways in how to receive more exposure. Be creative, be unique, and further more figure out ways in how to inspire others to get involved in the organization.

9. Enjoy yourself: Interning at CC, T/MC was a great experience, so make sure you have some fun while you're learning and working.

I hope you have a great time interning at Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connections. If you have any questions about the internship or about what I did during my internship please feel free to message me on NING.

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