I attended the conference from May.29 to 30 in Northwestern University Law school in downtown. I felt honored to attend this conference because anybody can not have this chance like me.I was anxious because I should meet someone who attended at this conference. But they were very kind and so sweet to us, when I told something they were patient even though I could speak english very well.I was amazed to see their passion, they explained something deal by their company or organization.I was interested in volunteer from when I was in Korea, but in Korea, I think the activities of voluteering, tutoring are not big issue better than USA.The scale of this activity is not big in Korea, I thought Korea government and organization have to follow the example of USA. On other side, I felt pity about situation that has a problem between racial and poverty. I could see the graph present about the component ratio of education by area and religion something like that. I think this problem is the most important problem can not be solved easily in USA. Out of sight the United State of America is best country.Unlike that, USA has a lot of problem. I think the USA has to solve this problem are the gap between the wealthy and the poor, the racial problem and the education problem to make better country. I hope you have a understanding , it is just my opinion.But to solve the this problem, there were many people in there for 2 days. I want to applaud to them who work everyday for the weak person. As many as there are many people, the world wil be more great and peaceful.
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  • The next conference will be held at the Chicago Field Museum on November 21, 2008. Read more at http://www.tutormentorconference.org
  • Hi Lara,

    Seung Jung interned with us from May 21 to July 1. He's now back in Korea. I hope he and the other student who interned with him will both continue to visit this forum and continue to be involved with us.

    He came to us via a program at IIT in Chicago. We had two other interns from Korea in January, via this program. We've also had interns from Hong Kong Baptist University, via another program.

    It's been valuable for us, and we hope for the interns, too.
  • Thanks for sharing that experience, Seung Jung. It sounds like the conference and the people really moved you and exposed you to challenges our society faces in communities of color and low-income communities. The work these groups are doing in the communities is inspiring and I would love to come to Chicago someday to see it in action. I see you're attending university here and I heard on the forum that you interned with Tutor/Mentor connection in Chicago this summer. I am interested to know, how did you decided that you wanted to intern here and how has your experience been?
  • Seung Jung, thanks for writing your summary of the conference. I hope you'll email friends and family members from Korea and encourage them to visit this forum and learn about tutoring/mentoring from you.
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