About Me:
I believe that the solutions to the complicated and thorny problems that we face are within our communities. When we learn to become aware of and resourceful to each other healthy communities will be a bulwark.
What do you hope to learn, or share, on this forum?
I hope that nurturing healthy, strong, resilient communities compliments the Tutor/Mentor Connections excellent work.
With the Internet, a small group of people, with no particular social or civic standing, can make an effort to change the world. If you can bring people from your network, and they bring people from their networks, we won't be a small group for ever.
At this point, we are cash-poor, because of the impact of the economy. This makes everything more difficult, and makes survival a question. Expanding the pool of believers, will help expand the pool of donors, too.
I hope that you and members of your network will help us with our work, and will borrow some of our ideas for the work you're doing.