About Me:
I am in my final placements for my Bachelor of Nursing Degree and then will be going on to a Masters and probably into Forensics Mental Health. I was also a prison officer for close on 20 years in a Male Max, Med, low prison. I have also been doing rural and remote nursing and travelled around central Qld and loved it, worked and had a paid holiday with nursing. Am also in the process of finishing off a degree in Psychology and addicition studies.
Cheers Marie
puppy sitting sounds like a fantastic Xmas job. I've created myself a small biz blog consulting role in Cairns, tho as they are mostly mates it's "doing favors" :-) Well~ one person has funding for photocopying so methinks we can do a trade.
One of my colleagues from uni is working in a low security prison. The inmates call it Club Lotus~ but I'm sure it's not all daisies and stars.
It's a universe~ come join us :-)
Thanks for joining the group.
only read the email you sent this morning so far, at least she was positive :-) Perhaps the performance of the students as a whole will prompt them to mentor more in terms of "synthesis and analysis".
Are you able to ask your network who is happy with their grade~and if they would like to share their technique with other in an email~ I can make it into a blog post.
What do you think? Char