About Me:
My name is Bert-Ola Bergstrand. Living in Sweden and mainly working with local development, social capital, social entrepreneurship and more. Also I am building a platform where I try to integrate local entreprenuers with global in a segregated area of Gothenburg. So far I was working 6 years on this project so I have come soem way on the road!
What do you hope to learn, or share, on this forum?
Well. We see. Curious to learn new things about relationship building in practice! How to enhance people powered captial!
Bert, I don't have a JELLY WEEK team but do have over 300 members in this Tutor/Mentor Connection forum. In the groups section are sub-groups focused on more narrow topics or geography. I'm going to post an invitation on Presente that some of the members meet in this space and use it for networking, idea sharing and building out some of the actions we're talking about. I hope it can lead to more of the people in my own network joining in on this virtual collective effort.
I'm able to meet on Skype on Monday, Jan 9 at 8am Chicago time if that works. Could also meet at 7:30 am to 8:30 am on the morning of the 10th. Do either work for you?