Tutor/Mentor Connection

Connect knowledge, volunteers, youth and make a difference.

It's the second week since I started my internship at Tutor/Mentor
Connections. Willow and me have taken a part in promoting the Tutor/Mentor Jam which is coming-together of bands, entertaners and the local business community represents a village, coming together to draw public attention and support toward our programs in high-poverty/high-crime neighborhoods throughout the Chicago region.

The jam is going to take place at Darkroom bar on Aug 29, 2010. And we are going to interview bands and boss of the bar, ect. A video will be made later in order to inform and attract people to come. There is a Chinese community website called Douban and I found a Chicago group and I post our event there hoping that might help to expand our events.

Next week Willow and I are going to reproduce Minsang and Jiwon's vidoe which was made during their internship at T/MC. I hope it would be responded after we made it and post it on Chinese biggest video websites such as youku and tudou. No matter people click it or not, people would be affected even by a glimpse. This is called advertising effect. Hope more and more people would have an idea about us, about T/MC, about the children who need help.

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Comment by Daniel Bassill on July 3, 2010 at 10:35am
Thank you both for the creativity and energy you bring to Cabrini Connections, Tutor/Mentor Connection. In response to Willow's suggestion of browsing the internet to find inspiration, take a look at the video I posted on my blog this morning.

This shows how one or two people can draw a crowd based on what they do. Our aim is that all of the students and volunteers, and donors, who support us, see their role as "building the network" so that more and more people are continually getting involved and doing what they can with their time, talent and dollars to help kids in high poverty neighborhoods move through school and into jobs that break the cycle of poverty for them and their own children.
Comment by Willow Yang Liuqing on July 2, 2010 at 2:42pm
I think we should also browse some promotion videos online during the weekend to see if can get inspired~

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