Youth and Education and Violence today!

  • Todays world of education there are lots of high school students, that believe after high school that's it for them how sad. In some cases lots of families are poor they cant afford to send they child to college. Guess what? That's why one voice can make a differents. I will not sit back and allow our youth to think in such ways. By going into schools and being a advocate against violence and a community speaker. Allowing our youth to expand there minds on just how far education can take them for the future.  Thank goodness for mentors. In the past 6 years of my life the violence has never stop with our youth. My son Lazarus is not on this earth any more. But because of my son Lazarus his life was taking due to violence. He wasn't able to finished 8 grade to further has education.

    Lazarus was brutally beaten to death on the north- side of Chicago on 02-20-07 at the age of thirteen. In one night his dreams were taken from him. Lazarus attended Budlong Elementary School I am now the voice of Lazarus, speaking to save all children from violence. My heart’s desire is to stop the violence in order to prevent other parents from experiencing the pain of burying their children. I have traded my quiet nature in, for public activism, rather than suffer beneath the rubble of my grief. In the name of Lazarus I dedicated my time and efforts into creating educational programs as Mannequin Visual Thinking , Emotions Through Artwork , Blind The Darkness Of Violence With Light

    In losing my son Lazarus Jones at the age of thirteen to violence on February 19, 2007, my life took a 12637699463?profile=originalturn. My vision and purpose is now primarily on the safety of all children

     As a mother I have to be a voice for him and all youth. On education, forgiveness, love, family,and mentoring our youth. Passion brings more love but forgiveness brings more life. Life is not to be taking from anyone on this earth. Education is an act of faith and knowledge. P.H.J    
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  • You can download the map then upload it into a Power Point document. On power point you can add additional information to the graphic. That's how I created this map. The base map comes from the Tutor/Mentor Program Locator at  I created the map view, then pasted it in my Photoshop application, where I could crop it and size it. I could have pasted it directly to Power Point and cropped it there.  If you practice this for a while you'll become familiar with the process, then will be able to make map stories on a continuous basis.

  • Bless day to you Daniel Bastill i look over the map its right on point. I have one question I can actually download them at to my computer but I won't be able to add things if I need it too but I see that you did already is there something else that I should be doing with the map besides letting the others in the community look at it and show them the difference and how they can help me with participating with tutoring and mentoring
  • 2957729250?profile=RESIZE_480x480

    Pamela, this is a map made using the Program Locator, showing the area around Lawrence and N. Troy Street. It shows that North Park and Northeastern are just to the North of the area and that there are a variety of businesses and faith groups in the area. Swedish Covenant Hospital is just to the East.

    Is there any way you might target your message to people in these institutions? Invite them to a meeting, or to the next conference. Ask them to recruit volunteers to work with you to help fill the area with the best volunteer-based tutor/mentor programs in the city, based on what they can learn from programs operating in Chicago and around the country.  Over time the involvement of people from these organizations will create a network of leaders who help keep your son's memory alive by what they do to build support systems for other youth in the area.  All of these organizations share the same geography. They should have greater interest to help programs grow where you are than in other parts of the city.

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