First day of internship at Cabrini Connections!

Hello all,I would first off like to thank Dan Bassill for giving me the opportunity to help be apart of the solution here at Cabrini Connections. I am looking forward to interning at a non-for-profit organization such as this where everyone takes such pride in fulfilling the mission of the organization. I believe that this internship position will give me great insight into how non-for-profits work and how they get there funding. I am excited to learn more about the organization as a whole and to see how I can help Cabrini Connections get in the lime light some more, to get others active in the organization, and to come up with some fundraising ideas that will help create a consistent revenue flow for Cabrini Connections continue their good work.After that being said, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Jordan Merlo and I am currently a Junior at Loyola University Chicago. My plan as of right now is to graduate in 3 years with a major in Public Relations and a double minor in Marketing and Psychology. Since I was a child volunteering has been a huge part of my life. If you are interested, on my page there is an album with several pictures of my recent trip to Haiti where I helped build solar panels, helped feed starving children, and showed the helpless villagers love through simply hanging out with them. As a result of my love for volunteer work, I have decided that I have been called to join the Peace Corps after college. There, my plan is to teach and to immerse myself within the culture for the 2 1/2 years that I will be there.This desire to volunteer in my life is what led me to intern at Cabrini Connections. After reading the mission statement for this organization and talking to Dan Bassill I realized that this is the perfect organization for me to intern at. Everything about this organization is about the people and its refreshing that in a world where society is telling us to live for ourselves that there are still people out there who are living to better not just themselves but others around them as well.I am glad that I am now apart of the team here at Cabrini Connections and I look forward to what is in store for me during these next couple of months.Jordan E. Merlo
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  • Welcome, Jordan! I look forward to working with you into 2010 and beyond. Dan always says, "once a part of Cabrini Connections, always a part of Cabrini Connections," so I hope you will always remember the things you learn and experience here.
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