
Hi! My name is Sunjoong Yoo.
I had an internship opportunity during last 7 weeks. The name of my company is Tutor/Mentor connection, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC.    It is non-profit organization, so The size of my company is very small. And the number of officer was only 3 or 5. So the atmosphere of our company is just like a family. Our owner, Daniel is really smart and friendly guy. He always try to talk about some various topic with us.

The aim of our company is give an opportunity of education to student who lives in high concentration of poverty. So, the support of other people (for example: donors, volunteers) is really important. My job is to make some various contents that give a motivation to that kind of people. During my internship period, I made an 6 video presentation. To make my own video presentation, I had to study about some
various strategies about social problems or poverty problem. It was really worth.

At first and second week of my internship periods, I had to look some various contents that done by past interns. During 2005 to 2013, there were so many interns and they made huge amount of contents.

And next 3rd to 7th week, I had to make my own contents. There were one big main projects and 1 or 2 sub-projects. To make my own presentation, I had to read some articles about real facts about poverty problem of big cities like Chicago. Or other articles about how to overcome those poverty problem.

During that period, I had to spend more than 2 hours to read that kind of articles.
It was really helpful to improve one’s reading skills and I could get some interesting information. It is also really helpful to improve one’s back-ground knowledge. I think.

And also during my whole internship period, I could improve my back-ground knowledge about
some various strategies that how to overcome poverty by education. It will become a really precious opportunity in my life.

I'm little bit sad now, Because Today is the last day in my Chicago life.
After I go back to Korea, I'll promise that do this kind of work (to encourage people to participate in this kind of organization).

I really recommend my company for your future internship!
Thank you for your reading.

Thank you Daniel.
Thank you!

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  • 2957729150?profile=RESIZE_320x320Sunjoong Yoo and Byungkwan Jang are on a plane today headed back to South Korea. They've been interns with Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC in Chicago since Jan 8.  See the work they have done on this site, and in the Tutor/Mentor Intern blog, as well as on this page.

    Hopefully one of the projects done by this year's interns, or those in past years, will go viral on the Internet and will draw new sponsors, investors, volunteers and interns to support this work, and thus support the growth of mentor-rich youth programs in Chicago and cities around the world.

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