Brief Synopsis of my Experience

Here is my final project for my internship, that breifly demonstrates what I have learned from my experience with Tutor/Mentor Connection.  This is a brief synopsis of what I learned and in what ways I feel that this project can impact the future.  I am greatful for the time I was involved with T/MC and hope to remain connected to it in the future.  The ideas are simple, yet go against the way in what I feel most people think about in terms of how non profits operate and how to address large, societal issues.  I know my thoughts regarding low income communities were almost from a victim blaming perspective, where I did not view the larger system as the force that keeps these individuals disempowered.  Learning to view the world around from this perspective has opened up my eyes on ways to combat this problem that will be more effective, and one key thing I learned is the importance of different nonprofits working together towards a unified goal, instead of working in isolation from each other or even against each other for resources and volunteers.


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